telekinesis, psychokinesis, mind over matter, psi, science

Psi Science - Psychokinesis

530 Views - Published on 20 Aug, 2021
⁣One of the most well-researched and fascinating branches of psi
science is active-psi or Psychokinesis (PK). Also known as Telekinesis
and mind over matter, PK is the ability to mentally influence a physical
system or object. The most common method to test for active-psi is to
isolate a volunteer from a target such as an inanimate object or a
random system like a coin toss, dice roll or radioactive decay, then see
if the person can mentally influence the target in a repeatable manner.
Some particularly gifted people have even been able to elicit
measurable and repeatable PK effects under laboratory conditions.
Russian psychic Nina Kulagina stunned Western scientists in 1968 by
moving a multitude of stationary objects using her mind including
matches, bread, bowls, cigar tubes, and salt shakers. She was also able
stop or alter the course of objects already in motion, make mental
impressions on film, and speed up or stop a frog’s heart! Ingo Swann, a
New York psychic can change the temperature of objects near him and
affect the magnetic field of a magnetometer. In 2001 University of
Arizona psychology professor Gary Schwartz conducted a large-scale
spoon-bending experiment with his students resulting in over 60 bent
forks and spoons!
The following presentation Psi Science: Psychokinesis was taken from a
chapter in my book "Spiritual Science" available from Lulu and Amazon:
Eric Dubay

Eric Dubay

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