Healthiest Breakfast Ever Mark I - Hypernutrition juice - Intro/29 studies in medical journals
⁣28 medicinal/health benefits in this hypernutrition juice. Another 53 in the amino cocktail I add to it. For an amazing total of 81 therapeutic benefits. Nah, can't be true. Oh yeah? . In this video I go through the studies showing the astonishing medicinal, health giving properties of ginger, carrots, honey and black radish and the amino acid: glutamine and the great gut healing benefits of a) glutamine and b) the high/optimal dose of retinol (the animal form of vitamin a) that you will get from the bile stimulating action of the black radish on the pro vitamin a beta carotene in the carrots.


The Seignalet (pronounce it "Saynalay") diet will often give rise to detox effects and I think that drinking this juice will help you avoid them.

The bile stimulation of the black radish cleans out the liver and has a fantastic detox effect. I think that this "hypernutrition" juice is a perfect adjunct to the Seignalet diet which is designed to heal your gut by eliminating gut damaging foods like animal milks, most grains, refined oils and fats and foods cooked at high temperature and in a microwave.

Fortunately I shot this over a year ago and have only just uploaded it. While researching to make my series of 10 videos: "The real truth about tanning" I learned that phototoxic substances called furanocoumarins which are present in moderate amounts in carrots could have a pro skin cancer effect if you are exposed to a lot of UVB rays from the sun or a tanning bed. A normal amount of carrots in the diet would not be a problem but we are using 500 or 600 grams of carrots to make this juice and having it every day. So quite a lot of furanocoumarins.

If you are not regularly exposed to UVB though but use vitamin d supplementation instead, this recipe will be fine for you.

Since shooting it I also researched and made a video called "Aminos" which I recommend watching if you are going to make this juice. I added glutamine ("the preferred food of enterocytes") to the juice in the video because Dr. Seigalet recommended using it if the diet did not work after a year and that would be more than fine for a short period. But after researching glutamine I found that there are other aminos which also have a great gut heallng effect and I think a combination of a small amount of each of those aminos is more balanced. Also, there is a whole raft of further medicinal, healing benefits from the amino cocktail.

I have used this juice and my mark II version for around 2 years now and I am certain of the rejuvenating effects.

Once you have mastered it you will be able to make it in about 20 minutes, including cleaning the juicer. (Drink your juice while your are cleaning). 20 minutes in the morning is a bit of a faff but I'm sure that once you have made it a few times you will definitely make time in your schedule for it.

One last thing which I don't mention in the video. It will make you poop around 30 or 60 minutes after you have made it even if you have already pooped before making it. This is because a) the black radish is making your gall bladder empty bile into the intestine and b) the juice stimulates peristalsis, wave like muscular contractions of the digestive tract. Just so you know what to expect. ;-)

I won't expound on the miraculous benefits of the juice here. I will let you discover them in the video. You could add an apple to the juice and use one or two less carrots.

My channel is mainly about my own version of the Seignalet diet. I hope to popularise it so that a publisher will become interested in having it translated and publish it. You will be able to read it for yourselves then and won't have to rely on my interpretation. :-)

The last edition of Dr. Seignalet's book which I translate as "Nutrition - the third medicine" came out in 2002 around the time that he died. He did not say much about vitamin d. In the last 10 years there has been a huge amount of research into vit d. I looked up all of the diseases which Dr. Seignalet put into remission with his diet and for every single one I found a medical study which showed that vitamin d deficiency is implicated.

No wonder the medical propagandists are trying to keep us out of the sun and tanning salons on the pretext that a few rays will instantly cause Melanoma - because if we all had optimum vitamin d I doubt whether we would need any doctors at all!

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