The Blacks Need To Sort Themselves Out
4 years ago
⁣It has come to the President’s attention that Executive Branch agencies have spent millions of taxpayer dollars to date, “training” government workers to believe divisive, antiAmerican propaganda. For example, according to press reports, employees across the Executive Branch have been required to attend trainings where they are told that “virtually all White people contribute to racism” or they are required to say that they “benefit from racism.” According to press reports, in some cases these trainings have further claimed that there is racism embedded in the belief that America is the land of opportunity or in the belief that the most qualified person should receive a job.
The above "racist" order was given to government trainees when the truth is alarmingly different
Despite being outnumbered by whites five to one, blacks commit more crimes against Whites than Whites do against Blacks. According to FBI statistics from 2007. A black male is 40 times as likely to assault a white person as the reverse. These figures also show that interracial rape is almost exclusively black on white.
These facts in no way justify any form of brutality against Blacks, however in recent times we have all witnessed the attacks against Whites, even pregnant women have been shown no mercy and the Gilets Jaunes have been massacred. Nevertheless Blacks get what they deserve and the figures destroy the Black Lives Matter claims of unjustified police treatment of Black criminals.

The sad fact of the matter is that wherever you find them, Blacks are aggressive and in many places, like the Congo and Nigeria, not to mention the now Black South Africa, where the Blacks are in control, they are longing for the old days when the Whites kept things in order. The "lucky Blacks" in the USA and Europe, cannot even keep their knife and gun wielding kids in order and they blame White people for that. The same thing is going on all over the Black World and It cannot all be Whitey's fault.
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