Dr. Vandana Shiva, Seeds, Monopoly

Dr. Vandana Shiva COP 21 Paris Press Conference 2015

67 Views - Published on 11 Feb, 2021
On December 3rd Dr. Vandana Shiva sat in a press ⁣conference to discuss the topics of climate Change being the cause of ⁣refugees and terrorism. She also references the Bill Gates jargon ⁣being ⁣fed through the media and how we can protect ourselves from
their ⁣language and answer back with ours.
⁣⁣Dr Vandana Shiva “Grassroots are Rising” The Paris Climate ⁣Conference is officially known as the 21st Conference of the Parties (or ⁣"COP") to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.
⁣(UNFCCC), the United Nations body. ⁣COP 21 - Paris . Press Conference.
December 3, 2015

⁣Dr. Vandana Shiva is the Director of the Foundation for Science, Technology & EcologyBoard Member International Forum on Globalization https://www.humansandnature.org/vandana-shiva

⁣Mirrored from: ⁣⁣Vandana Shiva Calls For War On Bill Gates by ⁣Valhalla Movement Visit Our Website:⁣ https://theplaidzebra.com/welcome-to-valhalla-the-eco-friendly-movement-devoted-entirely-to-freedom-culture/


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