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The Week According To . . . David Vance

227 Views - Published on 30 Jul, 2022
⁣Welcome to our latest meander through the talking points, headlines and media that has caught our eye or raised our blood pressure this week.
Not shy on his opinions, this is The Week According To . . . David Vance, and he returns to offer his uncensored and pure-blooded take on articles such as...
- The dedicated railway manager who was sacked from his job for being overheard on Zoom asking his wife 'Do you think they have black privilege in Africa?' wins a landmark victory.
- Civil servants being taught Britain is a 'racist' country and white staff should avoid contradicting ethnic minority colleagues.
- How white pupils are now least likely to go to university after drive to make intakes more diverse.
- Tom Tugendhat backing Liz Truss in the race to become conservative leader.
- Reports that Boris Johnson could be in line for top NATO job.
- Rugby's governing bodies have ruled to ban transgender women from competing in female-only forms of their games.
- US military Covid jab mandate blocked.
- Monkeypox: First deaths have been reported outside Africa in Brazil and Spain.
- An investigation of official statistics has found that athlete deaths are 1700% higher than expected since the experimental COVID vaccine roll-out.
- A woman was told 'Burglars have rights, too!' by police after suggesting putting spikes on her garden fence after a terrifying break-in.
- Winter is Coming: Power bills for just one month could soar to £500 in January after Russia cuts back Europe's gas supplies.

Pureblood David Vance will not submit and he will not comply.
He used to be disgusted but now he tries to be amused!
In the battle for truth and liberty, David chooses the front line.
Editor of and, he has appeared on all forms of legacy media but has had enough of that!
Host of the hugely popular 'David Vance Podcast' with over half a million downloads and counting!

Follow and support David on the following links.

Discussion recorded 30.7.22

Audio Podcast version available at ⁣ and all major podcast directories.
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Links to stories discussed this episode
Sacked for being overheard on Zoom Dedicated railway manager won a landmark victory
Civil servants are taught Britain is a 'racist' country
White pupils are now least likely to go to university
Tom Tugendhat backs Liz Truss in race for No 10
Boris Johnson could be in line for top Nato job
RFL and RFU ban transgender women from competing in female-only forms of their games
US military Covid jab mandate blocked
Monkeypox: First deaths outside Africa
Athlete Deaths are 1700% higher
If you think you have covid, then you probably have covid
'Burglars have rights, too!'
Power bill for just one month could soar to £500 in January
Hearts of Oak

Hearts of Oak

54 K
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