On Living In the Covid Great Reset Age... and how to Breathe @ Anarchapulco
3 years ago
⁣On Living In the Covid Great Reset Age... and how to Breathe @ Anarchapulco

Controlled Demolition of The American Empire: https://dollarvigilante.com/book

Visit Anarchapulco 2021: https://anarchapulco.com

Subscribe to The Dollar Vigilante Today: https://dollarvigilante.com/subscribe

INTRO VID: Remeece - Footsoldiers4Freedom (Official Music Video): https://youtu.be/XwDIBrpuxzA

Vaultoro We Are Airdropping 5 Kg Of Silver!: https://vaultoro.com/we-are-airdropping-5-kg-of-silver/


Hugsie, hugging coat: https://twitter.com/RealCarlVernon/status/1339531015207981062

Here come the Tik Tok Dancing Nurse Vaccine Genociders: Why I love my job ⁦

! Teams of people working to safely and equitably distribute vaccines
to their front line colleagues getting cheered on by their friends
celebrating the arrival of the vaccines: https://twitter.com/KateWalshCEO/status/1338608017038856192

Hospital worker with no prior allergies in intensive care with severe reaction after Pfizer Covid vaccine https://metro.co.uk/2020/12/16/hospital-worker-in-intensive-care-after-suffering-severe-allergic-reaction-to-covid-vaccine-13763695/

Twitter to remove posts that spread misinformation about COVID-19 vaccine: https://www.marketwatch.com/story/twitter-to-remove-posts-that-spread-misinformation-about-covid-19-vaccine-11608179811

the syringe is empty: https://twitter.com/jonfitchdotnet/status/1339595942584991746

Austria • The people have taken to the streets to protest in a unique
way, dressed in full Hazmat suits, like mesmerised zombies,mocking the
Govt and the obedient masses.This sends a strong visual message, the
people are waking up: https://www.instagram.com/tv/CI4H9J7g9TH/?igshid=d5esm2ty1tkb

On Living in an Atomic Age by C. S. Lewis
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