BioEnergy Code, Effective Meditation, Negative energy, positive vibes, abundance of wealth

Bioenergy Technology _ Wagner Alegretti _ TEDxPassoFundo

12 Views - Published on 29 Aug, 2021
⁣The BioEnergy Code is prepared after a strict analysis of the ancient Chakra tradition to modern science. It is prepared in the form of a 30-minutes audio track made of proprietary frequencies to align your 7 Chakras. It has its roots in neurological science and guarantees a true sense of mental clarity and stability.
⁣The BioEnergy Code is a manifestation guidance program that helps users maximize their hard work results in their life. The program helps users release the negative energy that may hold them back, using audio files and other strategies.

⁣Angela Carter, the brains behind the Bioenergy code, relies on an ancient chakra-based tradition and neurological science to provide you with this thirty-minute meditation audio. The audio seeks to align your chakras by enhancing the body's bioenergy zones.

⁣The BioEnergy Code has chakra awakening capabilities using scientifically approved audio that can be heard at your comfort. The audio releases powerful frequencies that help to awaken the 7 Chakras in the body.

⁣Angela Carter, the brains behind the Bioenergy code, relies on an ancient chakra-based tradition and neurological science to provide you with this thirty-minute meditation audio. The audio seeks to align your chakras by enhancing the body’s bioenergy zones.
Their alignment not only boosts your focus but also enables you to achieve mental clarity. Using this code, you get to connect with the universe and begin to gather an abundance of wealth and health from it.

⁣The good thing about the Bioenergy code is that it doesn’t require you to master meditative silence or spend countless hours listening to your inner thoughts for it to work.

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