Nyt RIITTÄÄ! / ENOUGH - Jyrki Pykäri (How C O V ID i 19 is a project) ENGLISH SUBS!!!
3 years ago
Translation by yours truly. <3

⁣EDIT: ⁣ how this COViD 19 is a project! World Economic Forum platform: https://www.bitchute.com/video/pZPjKOPjFxCc/, they even admit on hiring "crisis actors"!!!?!? :'O
(What you see when you're logged in, this's been there ever since March at least, at least 50 years work!!! There's at least 200 layers of this!)

Such an important message, would've been shame to be left behind the language wall. If your time is short, skip to ~5:31 he wil start talking about vaccines and that.
The bit before that is about an interview call to vaccine critic YLE tv programme, and how it doesn't work out because his phone has constant disturbance even though the connection is excellent.
Later in the video he will show you the sites of Event 201, World Economic Forum where there's clear steps to the project, already been there since March, all kinds of things, like what to do when people refuse from the vaccine... also about Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, conents of the vaccines... And all kinds of related things.
Well, if you have very short time you can just read it from the subs, he talks somewhat slow to somebody, but you know the best what suits you. I hope this message goes viral! Thanks for sharing~! (This original video was already removed from Youtube some days ago)

⁣Inventor of the PCR test, Kary Mullis, PCR tests cannot be used to diagnose andinfeciton, they're not made for it: ⁣https://www.bitchute.com/video/7BEyMO5Un2Cc/ (short)
Full: ⁣https://www.bitchute.com/video/3qib81vL73bI/
In Finnish the same: ⁣https://fi.sott.net/article/51....6-Koronatestin-PCR-t

WHO backflips on imposing lockdowns: ⁣https://www.bitchute.com/video/yQdSeFsIdbPQ/ (also with Finnish subs by me ^^)


Crimes Against humanity, Reiner Fullmich, German laywer: ⁣https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jJ40D6ouq_8, or here: ⁣https://www.bitchute.com/video/zwWgmJKq9UIl/
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