180° Turn from Ayahuasca to Jesus - My Testimony
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Hi Thomas Carroll here again. This video is going to be about how I turned from the occult and ayahuasca to Jesus. I’m gunna try to make this as brief as I can because there’s a lot to it.

I was born into the Mormon Church; born in California but raised in Utah. In happy valley Utah almost everyone was Mormon there, and so I had an idea of Jesus, but the Mormons don’t really talk about Jesus too much, it’s mostly about Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon. They’ll mention Jesus but they don’t really get into it too much. I was raised there in Utah as a Mormon. I always knew that there was something wrong with the Mormon Church, and so when I was around 20 years old is when I said okay I’ve had enough of it.

I had been studying the occult and the paranormal since, well I started when I was a teenager and I continued doing so. I had started traveling a little bit and I went to Alaska to work there in the fishing industry. I fought some wildfires as well during the summer. With the money raised I came here to Peru and I’ve been here ever since. I first came here to Peru in 1999 and I fell in love with the country. I made several trips back here to Peru, now I live here. But on one of the trips here to Peru I wanted to drink the hallucinogenic cactus called San Pedro, and I did. I drank this in Cuzco back in 2000. I did it a couple of times with a group of witches and some of them called themselves “devils that do good.” It was a very, very dark experience, it was fascinating at the same time. I did it a couple of times with them and then I did San Pedro on my own several times. I was absolutely fascinated by it, but it’s very dark stuff. I can get more into that in other videos.

I got married here to my wife Veronica. We have two children; our son Tristan and our daughter Gabriela. I’ve been living here ever since. I still studied the occult, the paranormal, and I was fascinated with shamanism here in Peru. I would go and visit shaman. One of the things I wanted to do was to really get into something that is called ayahuasca. It’s a hallucinogenic brew. It’s similar to San Pedro but there are differences. I was reading up on this about how ayahuasca cures diseases, it cures addictions and it helps you with psychological problems and emotional issues. It seemed to be a really good deal. So I wanted to go and do this, and see the other side like I did with San Pedro. I was smoking a lot back then. I was smoking easily one or two packs a day. And I was drinking like a sailor as well, and when I was drinking I would drink about 3 or 4 packs a day. And so I wanted to drink ayahuasca in part to see if it would get rid of my smoking addiction.

I went to Iquitos to drink ayahuasca in 2006. I did a couple of sessions there in the jungles of Iquitos. It was different from San Pedro. It was very profound. I quit smoking on the spot. The very first time I took ayahuasca I quit smoking on the spot. But six weeks later I started up again. There were some problems going on and I forced myself to smoke, so I started smoking. And then it got worse than ever. So I wanted to do ayahuasca again. And I did so back in 2009. There isn’t so much of the touristy thing up in Pucallpa for ayahuasca as it is in Iquitos. I found a master ayahuasquero (an ayahuasquero is a shaman who is an expert in ayahuasca) and I did ayahuasca several times. The very first night I did ayahuasca there I quit smoking, and I haven’t looked back. I haven’t smoked at all since then. So it’s been eight years now that I haven’t smoked at all after that first session with ayahuasca in Pucallpa.

I was absolutely thrilled with this and other things too, besides quitting smoking. I felt better physically in other ways, I felt better psychologically; at least for a time. I was so into this that I decided I wanted to dedicate my life to ayahuasca...

See the website for the full transcription:
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