news, prophecy, jab

Best & Taylor Intel (6/2/2021): Matrix Madness & WAR SOON…Much More!

369 Views - Published on 03 Jun, 2021
⁣War, Peace and Security, The Thief, 44 and 4-11 Deaf and Blind, Rapture and Arrival, Plasma Events

So, we are now 8 days from a RING OF FIRE ECLIPSE on June 10th, and these ring of fire eclipses seem to have a big meaning to all occult forces. Is this one coming OVER THE NORTH POLE a signal that ANTICHRIST is about to rise up as Isaiah 14 says Lucifer wants to do? It is also interesting that exactly 44 (4-11) days after this eclipse is Tu’B’Av, a LOVE FEAST DAY where the BRIDE IS STOLEN AWAY as a THIEF IN THE NIGHT. Many signs have been warning the world that something really evil (aside from the JAB) is about to happen upon earth as EVIL IS SWEEPING THE GLOBE as the satanic RICH MEN attempt to bring in their NEW WORLD ORDER. The acclimation project is underway full speed ahead, which means the GLOBAL DEEP STATE KNOWS THE ARRIVAL IS CLOSE AT HAND. We are in a HIGH WATCH TIME for both a possible rapture and the beginning of Daniel’s 70th week and more rumbles of war… —Stewart Best

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