4 years ago
ā£Things I am grateful for , that my partner let's me do:

1. He lets me go outside but only for 2 hours.

2. He lets me see my mates and family (up to 5) but we can only meet outside our house. They can't come in. But that's ok.

3. He doesn't let me work because he wants me home. That's how much he loves me. He gives me money though as long as I do what he says.

4. He tells me its dangerous outside and to trust no-one but him. I guess he knows more about my safety than me.

5. If I don't do what he says, he punishes me. But it's because he really loves me and reminds me again and again it's for my safety and for my own good. He hires security to watch my every move, he even has an app that lets him see my whereabouts. I know it's not normal, this obsession with my safety but what other choice do I have?

6. People tell me that it's not normal and that he's too controlling. But he tells me not to listen to them and that they're lying and to only trust him. I don't have much choice I guess because he's isolated me from my friends and family and his voice is the loudest thing I hear.

7. Sometimes I question him but he tells me I'm crazy and no one will listen to me anyway.

I know this dependence isn't normal, but I love him.
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