
THE LAST PRESIDENT- The Invasion is coming- Vaccines and D-DAY- Targeted individuals - more- EXPOSED

1 K Views - Published on 11 Nov, 2020
Original "PayDroV" ---> ⁣

⁣Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them. -Ephesians 5:11

Comment left on this YT video ---> I⁣ don't care who wins!!! Prepare for anything!!! Evil controls everything!!!! FOLLOW CHRIST... DON'T TAKE ANY VACCINE!!! ARMY generals work for the EVIL ELITE soldiers obey orders.....

First off Trump fired secretary of defense Mark Esper, and replaced him with Christopher C. Miller who worked at counterterrorism -->

Mark Esper was in charge of "operation warp speed" that will deliver the vaccines when they are ready.

My first suspicion was why would they put an expert in "counterterrorism"
in charge of operation warp speed that will lead the vaccine distribution etc.

Could this be in fact a way for them to switch their transition and get ready to target individuals? YES, it is possible and this could be what is happening.

On November 7, 2020 when Joe Biden and Kamala had their "victory" speech the opening song played the new version of black eyed peas where is the love, and they are programming "terrorists" and "race wars" in the process.

Link to video -- Biden victory speech -->

Think back when Kamala said "they are coming for you" -->

Link to video - No stopping what is coming --->

Then a Michigan plot unfolded and men were arrested for planning to kidnap the Michigan governor. (THIS IS PART OF THEM SETTING PEOPLE UP) --->

Men WERE arrested in Philadelphia because the FBI received a tip that they had "guns and ammo" in the car outside a polling station. (THIS IS PART OF TARGETING INDIVIDUALS) -->

The military are calling the day they deliver vaccines "D-DAY" why would this be the case? D-DAY has been known as the largest invasion in history in WW2! Is this subliminal for an invasion coming?

All the above comments are from PayDroV, many thanks to him.


Woman Sheds Coronavirus Particles and Tests Positive For 70 Days Without Symptoms --> ⁣

⁣Unfortunately, for many years the presidents and most government officials are merely Bank sock puppets. I voted for Trump in 2016 but when I saw how he played along with the scam-demic to test, trace and vaccinate people at "warp speed", turning us into property of the State, I realized he was working for the Luciferian NWO agenda. Of course I could never vote for Biden but the point is that all government leaders are compromised and they are working to enslave us under the Great Reset NWO Beast system!

The two parties are two wings of political deception (Demon-rats - Biden and Rep-tards - Trump) on the same bird of evil with the head of Nefarious Narcissistic Nerds in Big Banks, Big Pharma, Big Tech who are programming us through the Main Scream Media with the BS of the Global NWO reset and its religion ... "Trust the Science". The Main Scream Media is the AI propaganda/programming machine of the coming NWO Beast system that "gaslights" the public with lies 24 hours a day, especially lies concerning this "lie-rus", so you will surrender your critical thinking skills and cave in to dystopia life of the New World Normal.

This pandemic, plan-demic, scam-demic, scam-demonic is their final solution: hail "the virgin" Mary pass of the Global demonic elite ... they are doubling down on their lies because they know their time is short ... Jesus is coming to judge this world.

All government leaders should be held accountable for committing crimes against humanity (including Trump) since they have willingly and knowingly participated in imposing deadly draconian measures of Medical Tyranny upon the world for a "lie-rus" with a 99.98% survival rate for those 49 and under. It's time to stop petting and feeding the Beast by hoping this issue is going away. There is the Blessed Hope that we will "go away" in the Rapture but while we are here we are to redeem the time! Jesus Only Y'all - JOY! - Rogersings

The military is coming after us with vaccines for a hoax "lie-rus" following the orders of the commander in chief, Trump, at warp speed! Come out of her my people! Pray to the Court of Heaven for God's justice and mercy and will to be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Pray that you are found worthy in Christ Jesus to escape the coming storm. Pray for the Army of Heaven as they fight the war against the Fallen Angels. In Jesus name - Amen.
Rogersings NWO News!

Rogersings NWO News!

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