What is COVID-19 and what is the real cause?
⁣⁣The research of the laquintacolumna project shades lights in all the events leading to create the fake virus plandemic, started by the death of intoxicated-radiated innocent people by the electromagnetic radiations of the newest 4G and 5G technologies, enhanced by the toxic neuromodulator components of the 2019-2020 ⁣flue vaccine campaign: Graphene oxydNow we know that covid-19 vaxed people are also caring nantocnology such as:

- nano-router: wich emits MAC addresses, as you can easily realize when using a blouthouth scanner app for not recognized devices around you, doing your groceries shores, or visiting the nearest cemetery
- nanoantennas and plasmonic antennas
- nano-rectennas
- Graphene oxyd: please visit doctor Pablo Campra Madrid's report in reserachgate ⁣"DETECTION OF GRAPHENE IN COVID19 VACCINES"// ⁣https://www.researchgate.net/publication/355979001_DETECTION_OF_GRAPHENE_IN_COVID19_VACCINES

⁣Dr. Campra´s technical report presentation video: "grafene oxyde in covid 19 vaccins"

Stew Peters interview; ⁣Graphene Oxide Wireless Network: Bioweapon Shots Contain Wireless Nanosensor: ⁣https://www.redvoicemedia.com/2021/11/graphene-oxide-wireless-network-bioweapon-shots-contain-wireless-nanosensor/

Important concepts and phenomenon: Teslaphoresis, exacerbated magnetism, nose-to-brain translocation, high electrical conductivity, thrombus proliferation, cardiac activity increases, myocarditis, pericarditis, arrhythmias, syncope, sudden death, microwave sources, mutagenesis, multi systemic inflammation, cascade of free radicals, glutathione, cytokine storm, bilateral pneumonia, behavioural modulation, nanometres, neuronal synapsis, NeuroRights Act, transhumanism, human 2.0 project, ⁣ACUTE IRRADIATION SYNDROME


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