Urgent wake-up call: Corona vaccination interferes with DNA! | www.kla.tv/17041
3 years ago
⁣According to the official statement of the German government, the corona pandemic will not end until a vaccine is available to the population. However, numerous high-profile experts warn against a great danger posed by new types of vaccines, because they are designed to directly interfere with human DNA and are to be developed very rapidly. Bill Gates expects 70,0000 cases of vaccination damage! However, the mass media largely conceal these risks. That is why this urgent wake-up call is not just a wake-up call, but a call to spread this vital information! - ⁣www.kla.tv/17041

After months of massive restrictions on personal rights, many people are longing for a “normal life” again, with all personal liberties. Under the terms to the German Minister of Education and Research, Anja Karliczek, the key to this return lies exclusively in a still to be developed new vaccine. According to ‘Tagesschau’, the German government plans to spend up to 750 million euros on this. A key points paper of the German government clearly states: “The corona pandemic will end when a vaccine is available to the population.” This peculiar definition in ending the corona pandemic raises the question: Could it be that the vaccination lobbyist Bill Gates has more influence on the government than is officially admitted? According to an interview by the German TV-station, the ARD on April 12th 2020, Gates wants to vaccinate the entire world population of 7 billion people against corona.
However, even Gates had to admit openly in an interview that he expects 700,000 cases of vaccination damage through this corona vaccination. Since many irreversible vaccination damages, such as the sleeping sickness narcolepsy, already had to be acknowledged after the “swine flu vaccination campaign”, this prognosis is probably far understated.

Today we are presenting you an urgent wake-up call that warns of an even greater peril posed by new vaccines against corona viruses because these vaccines directly interfere with the human DNA. These so-called RNA vaccines could cause far more than the 700,000 cases of vaccine damage already forecasted by Gates.

This concern is confirmed by a large number of experts. We will mention just two examples here:

Dr. med. Wolfgang Wodarg is a lung specialist, head of a public health department for many years, SPD member of the German Bundestag from 1994-2009, long-time chairman of the health committee in the German Bundestag, initiator of the ‘Swine Flu Investigation Committee’.
As a doctor and health politician, he says: “This vaccination genetically changes the person who is vaccinated. We get upset about genetically modified plants and animals. Now we are supposed to be genetically modified by those vaccinations [...]. [...]. Now billions of people are supposed to be vaccinated. This is completely irresponsible. I can only recommend to people: Do not let your children be vaccinated, do not get vaccinated yourself with a vaccine which has been so carelessly produced in such a short time. This is profiteering.”

Professor Dr. Stefan Hockertz is a German scientist, director of the Institute for Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology at the University Hospital Eppendorf from 2003-2004 and has been self-employed since 2004.

He explains the new RNA vaccination as follows: “Free genetic material [...] is supposed to be brought directly into our cells from there it is meant to be copied and reproduced by our own cells ... This clearly means a genetic alteration of human beings. [...] In particular, we do not know whether this genetic material is not also incorporated into the germ cells, namely the egg cells of the woman or the sperm cells of the man, implying that it would be inherited.”

Obviously also the vaccine manufacturers are also aware of the risk of genetic alterations, because the participants in the clinical trials of these new “gene vaccines” must commit themselves to strict pregnancy prevention.

The fact that these irresponsible ‘genetic experiments’ on humans are not played with open cards is also shown by the fact that the Genetic Engineering Act does not prohibit genetic modifications directly on humans, but excludes them by definition. The fact that the legislator has also exempted the vaccine manufacturers from any liability for damage to life and limb of citizens, caused by the vaccine, is an unprecedented political scandal.
CONCLUSION: A vaccine based on genetic manipulation will by no means end a pandemic, but could rather trigger a dramatic human catastrophe.
Genetically modified foods must be openly declared as such and are strictly rejected by the majority of the population. Many more people would rigorously oppose to vaccination if they were openly and transparently informed about the fact that it would directly alter their own genes. Here a red line is definitely being crossed, because the population is unsuspecting just because the mass media almost never report critically about vaccinations. The crucial question is therefore: Why do the mass media not comprehensively inform the population about the risks of this RNA vaccination? Could this irresponsible secrecy or appeasement even have been bought by revenues from pharmaceutical advertising?

Dear viewers,
would you agree that people must be warned immediately against this high-risk ‘gene vaccination’? Yet, who warns the unsuspecting people when the mass media remain irresponsibly silent? There is only one way out: Inform as many people as possible yourself. So please support our urgent wake-up call by distributing this video NOW on the social platforms via the displayed link. In this way, the corona crisis will not be ended by a vaccine, but by people who have been awakened.


Compulsory vaccinations (in German):




Bill Gates predicts 700,000 victims from corona vaccination (in German):


Vaccination damage cases with the swine flu (in German):




Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg



Professor Hockerts

https://vimeo.com/437116241 (from min. 33:15)

Commitment of the participants in the clinical trial

Genetic Engineering Act

Vaccine adverse event:
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