Covid Scamdemic, CLOAKING 5G Cytokine Crashes & EMF Radiation Cell Poisoning Part 8
3 years ago

Parts were before this- I would expect you to perceive the need to
see the first parts first- The information you will receive in all of
my Videos is next to none other who gives it to you straight and all
that enters my mind holding back nothing for fears, or complacency,
or from a controller of a mans tongue; self-righteous and not
concerned due to lack of intellect- The duty of the philosophic mind
is to rise above the personal and contemplate the universal- The big
chandlers are for the most part are all the same as the TV Media- If
they were free thinkers, and free speakers, then they would not be
successful but to a point and even then to stay in any personal
business for humanity and wright and wrong and with conscience then I
tell you now, the most of these big channels don't give you
everything that they know and that you need to hear from me- The
first three parts are important- this part one is the first of five
more 13/14 minutes videos full of knowledge and heart, not acting to
entertain you- I hope you will like and share somewhere this info is
deserved that the people know what no others are talking serious
enough-- 'WARNING' Much of the materials in this multi-video parts is
going to Open Your Mind- lol all my stuff will open minds-
westruther/gwt ⁣00141,11-19-20_19-11-2020
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