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🌅RUSSELL BRAND - The allegations & Updates. Russell Brand has denied any criminality
🌅MONTGOMERY TOM: welcome to the new age of young people speaking out!
🌅Former Anorexic SARAH WHEELER on frightening new Govt. proposals that seek to put those with the eating disorder on a palliative care (end-of-life pathway). Is this a cull? https://www.reikirenge.com/about
🌅DIRECT ENERGY WEAPONS: What are they? Where are they being used? How do they work? Were they used at Lana Del Rey’s Mexico concert in August 2023?
🌅Survivor JOANNA BRITTAN: Why are there so many glowing tributes to Mohammad Al Fayed when the BBC is continuing to ignore the dozens of sexual allegations against him? @jebrittan2
🌅Therapist JOHN HENDEN and DR. JOANNA MONCRIEFF: "Depression is not a chemical imbalance. That is a myth." Great discussion about understanding - and treating - the mind away from the dominant drug model. John: https://johnhendenconsultancy.co.uk Joanna: https://joannamoncrieff.com

shin - 1 year ago
special thanks to Joanna!!!

No_Wing_Media - 1 year ago
Happy Birthday ^.^

LdnLady - 1 year ago
Great Rise today thanks S n S. Also my late mum’s birthday x

Nik Bulelis - 1 year ago
.the depression industry is depressing They're experimenting researching using peoples trust to facilitate their agenda The problem is in their legal powers once theyve decided someone's in need of their treatment for their own health and community safety. Its all a hangover from witch hunts as is the contemporary witch hunt being the sex crimes industry. Your so brave exposing a witch , good girls, your so courageous and it must be so hard for you with all the trauma and stress of being associted with a witch Theyre so powerful aren't they . All of them in their covers etc etc

Nik Bulelis - 1 year ago
I knew a retired industrial chemist who told me that anti depressants will always have a side effect of creating a feeling of irrational inexplicable fear which reinforces the numbing of feelings dependency.
And the Swiss health resorts were using the walk in the forest treatment 100 years ago too .

Squigglemonster88 - 1 year ago
Just listening on catch up and the eating disorder topic is an interesting one. I completely see it from both points of view… As a conscious and awake human being who has seen through the lies for many many years, I am disgusted that people with eating disorders are potentially going to be put on the same path way as they did the elderly. This should be fought against completely and everyone should be aware of this!
However, on the other hand, I suffered from a very severe eating disorder in my teens that led me to being put in The Priory after my parents were told I only had a number of weeks left. In some ways, the priory, saved me (I guess) as in, I learned that I could eat a slice of toast and not vomit it up but I was in there for months, gained a total of 2lbs then came out and was straight back to the way I was before.
That was over 10yrs ago but I can honestly say I’ve never recovered and despite reaching a ‘healthy’ weight at certain points, my weight still affects me all day every day! If I was given the choice back then to be allowed to die, I would have taken it wholeheartedly and I still feel the same now.
I’m not suicidal by any means (as I’m very grateful to have 3 amazing kids and a wonderfully family) but I don’t remember ever being truly happy or even knowing how to live life other than just endure it.

Drumstick - 1 year ago
Happy 2 Year Birthday, Rise! 🍸🥳
Brave guests today, and young Montgomery gave me hope for the future.
Thanks, Sonia+Sean+Guests.
Jebrittan2 - 1 year ago