SCA Session 86: The Fog is Lifting - Jan 7, 2022
2 years ago
⁣SCA Session 86: The Fog is Lifting - Jan 7, 2022 - Jan 7, 2022
Starts at 00:00:05 - 00:00:06 - 00:39:11 - Ernst Wolff - 01:29:26 - Prof. Werner Bergholz (Prof. Electrical Engineering) 01:29:36 - 02:18:34 - Tjascha Vuzem AFA Slowena (Linguist) & Gregor Kos. 02:18:34 - Robin Monotti (Architect & Film Producer) 03:07:12 - 04:25:36 - Dr. Lee Merritt. 04:25:36 - Dr. Mike Yeadon.
Topic excerpt:
Nuclear power rebuttal: hydrogen as the energy carrier of the future
Ethylene oxide on test sticks and the authorities' silence
Politics and activism in Slovenia
Telegraphs disease: what is the role of cellular communication and 5G?
Instrumentarianism vs. biourbanism
Evidence for premeditation: Batches with particularly lethal "vaccines

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SCA Session 86: The Fog is Lifting - Jan 7, 2022

SCA Session 86, The Fog is Lifting, Jan 7 2022, Ernst Wolff, Werner Bergholz, Tjascha Vuzem AFA Slowenien, Gregor Kos, Robin Monotti, Dr. Lee Merritt, Dr. Michael Yeadon, Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, Viviane Fisher.

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