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3 years ago
⁣DISCLAIMER: I do not support the Q-ANON 'Psy-Op' garbage.
The makers of this "Fall Of The Cabal" series (Janet Ossebaard & Cyntha Koeter) have stated
unequivocally (at the end of Part-3) that Trump & the whitehats along with the 'not dead' JFK Jr.,
using Nikola Tesla time traveling technlogy are coming to the rescue to save us all and afterwards
will also give us free energy technology ..yeah.no joke.
The absurdity of such claims undermines (although does not negate) the overall
messages presented and most definitely identifies them as 'Controlled Opposition' forces.
(most likely a joint CIA/Mossad operation) intended to cause further division/infighting among the
conservative camp while encouraging inaction (get popcorn, sit back, enjoy show...."we got this").
Despite this, most of the information presented in the Fall Of Cabal series of videos remains valid and worthwhile
so take what's worthwhile and ignore the Q crap which encourages patriots to remain seated on their lazy butts.
Trump is a snake..not a savior.
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