The Edge of Life, Where is our Ecology Heading, by C. Jeff Dyrek
3 years ago
⁣Where are we heading with our country? A quick look at the rural areas in the Midwest will tell you how we are hanging on to the edge
of life. As the years go by, we take a
little of habitat from here and a little from there and each time that we do
this we think, this is just a little bit and there’s so much.

But, when we think that the next guy is thinking and doing
the same thing, and the next guy next to him and the next guy and so on, in a
short time, a little turns into a lot.

As I have looked at these same areas for sixty years on a
pretty regular basis, I have seen large parts of the woods have been removed
just for a couple of acres or for a few bucks selling the timber. Now, there are huge areas of nothing that is habitable
by the animals and they are squeezed closer and closer to the last remaining
place that they can live by the creeks.

But, in the video you will see that these creeks are being
stripped all the way until there is nothing but a bare creek running through a
desolate field. After looking at other
areas using Google Earth Pro, in Indiana
they are at the next phase of total habitat loss where they call the creeks,
ditches. Instead of Farmers Creek, as it
is called by my house, in Indiana
it would be called Farmers Ditch. There
are no trees on these ditches and the ditches have been rerouted to become just
straight lines of water flowing. Life in
these areas is decreasing faster and faster, however, we can only think of the

Unless we start following the laws that mandate so many feet
of trees around every creek, we will not have any trees left and no animals
either. We are in very dangerous times
where things can change almost overnight in our ecology until we will not be
able to live either.

C. Jeff Dyrek, Polar Explorer
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