Blade Runner actress (Sean Young) names the Jews
May 6, 2012
Blade Runner, Dune & Awakening to the Conspiracy


Actress Mary Sean Young is internationally acclaimed - active from
1980 up till today - both on the silver screen and on television. Young
has starred in over three dozen feature films, including such box office
hits as Blade Runner, Dune, No Way Out, Ace Ventura Pet Detective,
Cousins, Wall Street and many more. She has worked with directors such
as Robert Altman, Harold Becker, David lynch, Carl Reiner, Ridley Scott,
Joel Schumacher, Oliver Stone and Gus Van Sant. In this interview,
she’ll discuss her films, the film industry and her own awakening into
alternative topics and conspiracy. We’ll discuss secret agendas, mind
control and the ruling elite. In the second hour, Mary comments on
religion, Israel and 2012. We’ll discuss false flag operations and lies
our governments feed us. She brings up the work of David Jacobs on
hybrids, aliens and abductions. Mary says it is probable that the elite
ruling powers are under the thumb of an alien force. Then, we talk about
planned catastrophe and depopulation. With FEMA camps, nuclear plants,
chemtrails and HAARP, anything is possible. Mary talks about
preparedness. Later, we converse about personal responsibility and not
supporting and funding war and corrupt leaders. The hour ends with Mary
discussing her meditation practices.
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