What does Gods Country and Medicine in the Veterans Administration have in common. by C. Jeff Dyrek
4 years ago
⁣What happens when you start eating Natural Foods and Natures
medicine instead of using doctor’s drugs.
Gods medicine, the foods that we find in nature are far more effective
than the doctors drugs in most cases. I
am living proof of this and my studies have shown that doctor’s drugs only
fight the symptoms and not the problems.
The problems need to be fixed if you are going to get well.

I’m a disabled veteran and I have endured over forty years
of bad medicine. The doctors never used
a checklist to see what the side effects of the drugs would be, and they were
not good. The doctors never used any
standardized diagnostic procedures. In
fact, the doctors never took the time to do anything that was professional
since they had only eleven minutes door to door and in that time they had to
write a description of the treatment, which was almost always a BS story and
ended up with drugs.

I was injured in the line of duty and my heal deteriorated
year after year until I could only lay in bed and do nothing else. The surgery that I had was improperly done
and was coming loose, but the doctors said that it was the flu,
hyperthyroidism, mental problems and anything that flashed through their
heads. This was at the VA, the Veterans
Administration. They gave me drug after
drug for problems that I didn’t have and told me that the pain in my abdomen
was a mental condition.

It turned out that the staples were coming loose and cutting
me internally causing extreme lethargy and severe eating disorders. On top of all of that, my diet was at a fast
food restaurant. I was dying. Changing my diet and throwing the doctors
drugs in the trash can improved my life tremendously. I was still in tremendous pain, continually,
but, my overall health had started improving with only a diet change to No
sugar, no tomato paste, and then eating a lot of raw vegetables, that’s all it
took along with a good probiotic.

The good medicine is Non GMO food, No Sugar and eating
mostly vegetables, and, fresh air too.
This is the truth.

Thank you for watching this video and have a nice day.

C. Jeff Dyrek
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