A Common-Sense Crusade - Mexico Is Free Of Almost All Restrictions
2 years ago
⁣A Common-Sense Crusade | Interview with Lynne Nelson, host of The Filthy Truth

⁣Lynne is the host of ‘The Filthy Truth’ Blog and most importantly, she is a mother. Using various social media platforms Lynn uses critical thinking to question the mainstream narrative around covid where she speaks out on the current culture of pandemia. Watch the interview with Will to discover where Lynne sees this all going and what everyone needs to remember.
On Lynne’s recent move to Mexico, in contrast to Canada…
People in Canada have just taken to this notion that it's okay to be vaccinated for your freedom…it's literally one of the worst places. Here in Mexico, everybody looks at you and smiles…says ‘Buenos Dias’ …, ‘Hola’. They call you ‘Amiga’ and it's very kind here because the narrative isn't here, if you would never see masks here, you'd never know what was happening. Right now, Mexico is the only country in the world that…doesn't require a vaccination passport nor a PCR test. There's a couple other countries that allow you out but I'm sure that's all going to change with Austria and Germany forcing the vaccinations…
In Canada, I think we lost our kindness and compassion. I think we lost what the Canadian way was, which is to be there for your neighbor. Give them that cup of sugar, give them the shirt off your back. And we've really let the narrative of what the mainstream media [says] you can't see your family, you can't hug your loved ones, you should never allow your kids to come over if they're not vaxed, don't hug my grandkid, you're not vaxed. And I think that we need to go back to what family dynamics were.
On what's happening in Mexico, and how it is freer than Canada…
[There are] no fines, nothing…the cops aren't around, they're just patrolling the streets like they normally do. The security guards here, sometimes you'll see in the malls, they walk in with their machine guns and stuff like that. And it's just an everyday occurrence here, but nobody's sitting there telling you to put a mask on and if they do, it's usually just one of the workers and that worker has…the double mask cause she's scared.
They have talked about the first case of Omicron here with a 51-year-old lady. It's soft restrictions [here]. There's no mandate for any shots here. It's very 2019 here with people wearing masks. They don't force the shot.
On this contrast and Lynne’s perspective on Canada as things progress…
I think Canadians just need to really see and they need to learn what fighting really means, if you need a history lesson, just watch the Beaches of Normandy. There [were] 18-year-old kids in there ------ their pants because the gate goes down and they know they're dead.
That's what fighting for freedom is. They fought because Hitler was trying to do the same thing that they're doing right now…Canadians don't know how to fight. It was our great-grandfathers that fought, we didn't see our grand-fathers fight. We didn't see our fathers fight. We didn't see our brothers go off to war. I think that's why Canada doesn't know how to fight because we never had to. We've never had to see it.
On how Canada used to be and what Canadians need to realize…
Canadians, if they think right now just complying and bending over backwards is what's giving them their freedom back, they're not going to have the same freedoms that they thought they had. Because if you don't get the third one, you're not free. If you need a passport to get into places, you're not free. I don't understand how the jabbed are getting this so bloody backwards.
Do you know how quickly it would have changed, if any NHL [player] would've said, “You know what, I'm not playing until you allow everybody to come in”. How quickly would the NHL and Canada switch that rule? if every Canadian would say no to the third shot, how quickly would things change? This is what we need for Canadians; to Wake Up.
On terrifying restrictions in other countries…
Everybody knows what's happening in Australia. They're forcing people into the camps now. There's no way you're escaping the camps. Austria and Germany are the ones that surprise me the most because they're going to start implementing the camps again. 82 years later. When Austria and Germany are implementing vaccinated only, it's very much reminiscent of the Hitler times of when he started to say little by little; the Jewish people were the reasons why the economy was tanking, the Jewish people were the reason that people are getting sick. They shouldn't be grocery shopping in the same store that you're going. They can't be in the same cafes. They can not be part of society.
[In] Austria, if you're unvaccinated, you can't leave your house except for essential travel, which basically means going to work and I would assume getting groceries. I don't know how people are allowing this to happen. Even just looking at New Brunswick with Sobeys, how are they allowing this to be a thing. I'm not sure why.
On what Canadians can do to regain control…
At some point, I think that we have to find a unification between the vaxed and the unvaxed. To start voting with our money. You spend more time with your family, which means you're not going to the mall that requires a vaccination passport to go and hang out all day and spend your money on stupid things. Maybe you're not going to the casino every other day. Maybe you're actually taking more time to do more family things and invest in your family instead of investing in businesses that are causing segregation.
I do believe at some point we have to unite together. Vote with our dollars. Even if you're vaccinated, it doesn't mean that they go along with the [current] narrative…support the mom-and-pop shops, the Vita Health, those little shops, make your own garden, grow your own stuff… have community gardens. You don't need to go to the big box stores to go buy your food.
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