A Covert-19 Time-Out: Healing Gregorian Chant @432Hz
3 years ago
To all the great folk on BNT:

We live in unprecedented times. Great change is undeniably upon us
and with it comes immense potential for either a truly golden
liberation of humanity – or its total enslavement. Both are very
much on the table.

So, please, let’s all, each and every one of us, do our best, however modest that may
be, to help ensure that we manifest the former of those two options
through our individual and collective positive action, rather than
arrive at latter – enslavement - by default through fear, apathy or
ignorance. Never forget: All that is necessary for evil to flourish
is for good people to do nothing.

BIG things are happening to us all so fast now, everywhere! And information is
coming at us full-on and non-stop like a tsunami. These powerful
events are prime ingredients for some serious information overload -
and its resulting high levels of stress, due to unusually high levels
of uncertainty, and a strong worry over our near future for both self
and our loved ones.

That kind of situation is not, I’m sure you will agree, very conducive to
helping in our modest way with our modest but nevertheless very
important contribution, toward ushering in that long longed for (ha!)
golden liberation of humanity.

So with that in mind, in the hope of lowering those pesky stress levels way WAY
down, while helping us centre in our always present higher natures
(or spiritual selves if you prefer), I thought I should offer this
effective healing and relaxing 432hz music to all that can find their
way to it. Try taking some time out to listen. In any event - take some kind of time-out regularly. You need that. And the world needs you.

All that said: I really do hope this offering of sacred music is able to be of some
worthwhile service to you in these most difficult of times.

Namaste to all.


* Please Note:
All credit for this beautiful music belongs with its creators. The only
name I have is the one that shows on the video: Meditative Minds.
Whoever you are –
my heartfelt thanks to you.
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