Germany shows its face Berlin - August 29, 2020 |
3 years ago
⁣For the second time, several hundred thousand people from different countries showed their faces to protest against the disproportionate nature of the Corona measures. In the reporting of the monopolized media, however, the real concern of the rally found no place, but was limited to the so-called "storming of the Reichstag". The following documentation serves as evidence of what actually happened in Berlin on August 29... - ⁣

⁣After some back and forth on the part of various authorities, the rally for peace and freedom registered by Querdenken 711 (the name means: Independent-Unconventional-Original Thinking) could take place on August 29, 2020 in Berlin with official permission. For the second time, several hundred thousand people from Germany and other European countries showed their faces to protest openly against the disproportionate nature of the imposed corona measures. Although pictures of the rally obviously convey a completely different picture, according to the leading media, only about 38,000 people are said to have attended, including conspiracy theorists, radical vaccination opponents, or extreme right-wingers. For example, the newspaper Berliner Zeitung quoted an initiative that suspected among the demonstrators "followers of conspiracy theories, racists, Islamophobes, anti-Semites, Holocaust deniers and extreme rightists". Berlin’s Minister of the Interior Geisel did not want to "offer a stage to corona deniers, citizens of the German Empire and right-wing extremists".
The synchronized reporting of the monopolized media on the gigantic rally was essentially limited to the so-called "storming of the Reichstag". This gave the impression that the relatively small group of demonstrators who overcame barriers during a scuffle with the police and ran onto the stairs of the Reichstag were part of the large so-called "Corona Demo". And this, although the separately registered rally in front of the Reichstag was organized by the association "Stateless" and not by Querdenken 711. Thus it is also completely clear that Michael Ballweg of the organizing committee of the initiative Querdenken 711 denied on Sunday afterwards that a connection existed between the two completely different demonstrations. Michael Ballweg said: "They have nothing to do with our movement. Original Thinking (Querdenken) is a peaceful and democratic movement. Violence has no place there."
In the reporting by the media neither was there any real concern for the rally promoting peace and freedom nor was there any mention of important expert speakers such as the political scientist Hermann Ploppa, the co-initiator of the association "Doctors for clarifying information" Dr. Heiko Schöning, or Robert F. Kennedy, the nephew of John F. Kennedy -- to name but a few.

Why the monopolized media and certain politicians do not report objectively and neutrally, but try to discredit the innumerable peaceful demonstrators in the eyes of other citizens in Germany, every veiwer may judge for himself. It is important to keep in mind the strategies of modern warfare ( These aim to unleash civil wars by incitement and division, in order to then be able to counter the omnipresent cry for peace with a rigorous rule longed for by all.
The following summary of the rally may serve all viewers and future generations as proof of what actually happened on August 29 in Berlin. See for yourself - look into the faces of the participants.


Zeugenberichte und Live-Aufnahmen der Kundgebung

„Anhänger von Verschwörungserzählungen, Rassisten, Islamfeinde, Antisemiten, Holocaustleugner und extreme Rechte“

Zitat Michael Ballweg

Reaktion von Politik und Medien

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(Neuer Song « Zusammen sind wir stark »)

Kilez More

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