
Meet Your Strawman CREATE CORRECT ID

601 Views - Published on 25 Aug, 2020
⁣The story of how everyone has a strawman created for them at birth and how it is used to collect revenue for your government.


⁣The truth is that throughout everyday life, people everywhere use and rely on Common Law to live and work together. It is simply the inherent way that people conduct their affairs together. Liken it to the roots that bind together human communities by unconditionally upholding the life, dignity and well-being of every man, woman and child. These roots are especially necessary and foundational in the face of powers that seek to subvert such natural freedom.
To extend our everyday reign of Common Law into all areas of life means to challenge the arbitrary rule. But the very fact that it is the Law of we, the vast majority of humanity, means that it only needs to be consistently practiced by enough of us to allow the Sheriff Officers and the authorities to enforce.

Paul Scotland

Paul Scotland

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