Mrs D my civil partner narrating my gangstalking video, meet Mrs Dovey - my civil partner from London, gangstalked in London, Peckham's finest

Mrs Dovey's Diabolical Dystopian Distillation n Diatribe

206 Views - Published on 17 Oct, 2021
⁣As i'm busy sorting through a zillion of my photos, editing and uploading the better or more interesting ones to my website though doing very little of this within my flat because the flat is not and has not been a safe place to live since I and my brother moved in back in 2013, I asked my better half and civil partner Mrs Dovey whether she would like to narrate this latest of my videos about extrajudicial (gangstalking) operations. She flapped her lovely wings ecstatically and so without any input from me put together this latest video on my channel.
Her narration covers the gangstalking programme I and others have been secretly selected to endure with its various elements and technologies used to stealthily destroy our health and lives. She draws an analogy of the tracking and secret surveillance as a warning that the technologies involved in this could be rolled out to the wider population and the parallels with the pandemic the world is beholden to.
Mrs Dovey also puts forward the theory that my attendance at the G20 2009 anti capitalism protest in London on April 1st might not have been the catalyst that caused me to be secretly placed in this evil targeting programme but an earlier protest from 2007 or 2008.


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