3 years ago
⁣This video isn’t hating on Chris it is rather showing his doctrine is erroneous & honestly makes a person sick spiritually being held hostage under the law rather than given freedom & peace in Christ.

There is nothing wrong from turning from sin. Turning from sin is by resting in Christ Jesus for our salvation it is not a means to earn or keep salvation. It is a work of God in us. It is not by striving to keep the law. Neither is it a condition to enter inter heaven. Salvation is a free gift. Any striving to enter into heaven apart from faith in Jesus is effort & therefore works/earning/law& bondage. Gods grace isn’t bondage it is freedom. Freedom to live unconditionally loved & to rest that Jesus paid it all. Freedom to be a child of God & honor what Christ did on the cross forgiving me of all my sin. I have all I need in him. I am accepted and loved in him. I have all of his righteousness given to me by faith. I don’t need the law to be what Christ is for me. He is my righteousness. He is the one who draws me closer to himself & gives me rest in my salvation.
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