Eminent Domain and Property Tax Laws are Stealing your property Against the Constitution.
4 years ago
Is our government working for the People? Do you have Property Rights? Is the government following the law? All of these questions will be answered in this video. We are under attack by criminal forces which have infiltrated right into our governments, local, state and federal and these criminals are called Domestic Enemies. Our politicians believe that they can break the law and the Constitution and take your property away from you without just compensation through the illegal Property Tax Seizures. We need to stop these criminals and arrest them. I'm talking about the judges and politicians who are not following Constitutional Law. These are Traitors and are doing far worse harm to our people than Benidict Arnold had ever done.

Look what they do when they take your property. The government takes everything that you own, your furnature, your vehicles, your clothes and everything and then they throw you into the street with absolutely no program to help senior citizens, sick and elderly. The government makes them homeless and sends them to the streets to vend for themselves against hords of police who take their survival gear. At the same time, the states have Refugee Resettlement Programs that give money, housing, health care, business loans and everything that you have to pay for above your taxes. You have just spent your life following the Constitution and the American Dream of securing your future and when you get sick they take your property and give the money to refugees. This is absolutely true and it is happening. This is called High Treason and the people responsible for these henious acts nees to be charged and arrested and convicted of these Treasonous and Inhumane Government Crimes.

C. Jeff Dyrek, Disabled Veteran standing up for the Constitution of the United States.
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