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Daylight Debunks the Globe

714 Views - Published on 19 Oct, 2021
⁣One simple and definitive proof that you are not living on a spinning
ball orbiting around the Sun is the fact that daytime and nighttime
never switch places as they must for the heliocentric model to be true.
According to the globe doctrine, Earth makes one complete rotation on
its axis every 24 hours, while simultaneously orbiting around the Sun
and completing one full revolution every 365 days. If this was truly
happening however, as you can see from the following image, the daytime
and nighttime sides of the globe would have to flip every 6 months.
For a more detailed illustration of this, imagine the Sun rising at
6am in New York on the Summer solstice. After 3 months of 24 hour
rotations, the globe would be 90 degrees from its previous position and a
quarter turn away from the Sun, meaning that sunrise in New York during
the Autumnal equinox should now be happening at midnight. After 3 more
months of 24 hour rotations, the globe would be on the complete
opposite side of the Sun, 180 degrees from its starting position, so
that sunrise in New York during the Winter solstice should be happening
at 6pm, or in other words, daytime and nighttime would have completely
flipped from 6 months earlier. After 3 more months of 24 hour
rotations, the globe would be 270 degrees from its original position,
and sunrise in New York during the Spring equinox should be happening at
In reality, as you can test and observe for yourself, this simply
does not happen and remains yet another nail in the globe's coffin.
Globe apologist naysayers make either one of two ridiculous claims in an
attempt to excuse away this clear problem in their model. Their first
defense is to claim that days are not actually 24 hours long, but
instead only
long, and this 4 minute difference per day fixes the
math allowing day and night to flip. Now it is true that there are two
kinds of days known as solar days and sidereal days, and sidereal days
are in fact minutes long, but solar days, which everyone on Earth sets
their clocks by, are exactly 24 hours in duration. Sidereal days, which
nobody sets their clocks by, are actually how long the fixed stars take
to make one revolution over and around our Earth plane. As you can
observe and measure for yourself, the constellations rotate just
slightly faster than the Sun, so that they take exactly
minutes to
come back to their starting point, while the Sun takes exactly 24 hours
(4 minutes longer) to come back to its starting point.
Firstly, the fact that sidereal and solar days both exist and are not
exactly the same duration, is yet another proof that the stars and Sun
are moving and not the Earth. If the apparent movement of the stars and
Sun was actually the result of us living on a spinning globe, as we're
told, then there would and could only be one duration of day, namely,
the amount of time it takes to complete one full rotation. The fact
that there are two different durations of rotation time for the Sun and
stars just further proves that they are moving at their own unique
speeds over and around a motionless, fixed Earth. Secondly, if globe
apologists want to claim solar days are now suddenly only

minutes, then why hasn't anyone in history ever noticed that our 24 hour
clocks, which billions of people have used for thousands of years,
actually fall behind reality 4 minutes every single day!? The reason is
because it doesn't happen, and trying to claim solar days are the same
duration as sidereal days just shows the disingenuous lengths these
zealots will go to cling onto their false cosmology.
Their next defense, even more ridiculous than the first, is to claim
that the Earth actually must complete 361 degrees of rotation per day,
and that that somehow makes up for it. They completely redefine what a
"day" means and claim, instead of a day being one full 24 hour rotation
of the globe as we have always been taught, a "day" now suddenly means
"the amount of rotation until the Sun reaches the same point in the
sky," which they say is approximately 361 degrees. With this excuse,
however, new problems arise because the globe's supposed orbit around
the Sun is actually elliptical, so depending where/when during its
revolution around the Sun, the Earth's rotation on its axis would have
to be both speeding up and slowing down at different times of the year
just to maintain their new definition of what a "day" means. But of
course in their own model, the Earth's alleged rotation never speeds up
or slows down and remains constant always. They cannot have it both
ways, but like the kid who wants to have his cake and eat it too, these
leaps of logic pose no problem for the willfully ignorant.
Eric Dubay

Eric Dubay

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