Covid9, Vax, vaccine, fraud, deadly jab, chronic wasting, fraudww3, virus, depop, killshot

Vaccine Linked To Chronic Wasting Disease

1 K Views - Published on 25 Aug, 2021
⁣Prof Dolores Cahill... HEADS UP... Marburg... ⁣WHY IS THERE A MARBURG VACCINE ?: ⁣

⁣Credit: Stanger Than Fiction news on Rumble.
If you are vaxxed, good luck.. you will certainly need it.
Your own DNA is now programmed to endlessly produce the toxic spike proteins that are the same as the virus.
Are you now starting to wonder why DELTA cases have exploded all around the world.. even in the summer months, If you haven't figured it out yet..
read my previous line again!


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