Sasek warns demonstrators: "No hasty action!" |
3 years ago
⁣This world has seen enough wars. To experience victories based solely on the power of light is the discipline of true warfare, the supreme discipline so to speak. But the most beautiful potentials can also be destroyed by thoughtless rushes. Sasek warns Corona demonstrators of the danger of being infiltrated, and especially of untimely actions and ego-individualistic rushes. - ⁣

Mankind is now just a few steps away from the abyss of that new world, that has been planned meticulously and brought about by secret societies for centuries. The finale, the entrance gate to this new world is a planned worldwide chaos. That this orchestrated chaos does not lie in the distant future, but is already underway, is proven by the Arab Spring that just lies behind us, the entire history since 9/11. And now, humanity is just one step away from the introduction of total surveillance, the abolition of cash, but also the abolition of all private assets or possessions.

The lockdown that we have just gone through was just the first act of a new process of expropriation. We must understand that. You Communists, of course, rejoice now, as once the ancient Jews in Rome did, that your long awaited Communist world domination is finally at hand. But you better believe it, all you Communists and Socialists out there: It is not your people who are just about to take over world domination. They will also want to vaccinate and chip you by force. At the latest now you should finally realize this. For as soon as those leaders who supposedly are on your side will begin to nail your Communist ideals to the cross as well, your error will fall like scales from your eyes!
Because you, too, beginning with Karl Marx, have never really understood, that your ideology of justice was infiltrated and instrumentalized from the very beginning by strategic puppeteers from the highest capitalism. Up to now they have persistently directed your struggle towards the middle class and the bourgeoisie, so that you will never get through to them and grab them by the scruff of the neck. But the creators of interest, the speculators and claimants of interest and compound interest - they have always been the true poison-roots, who also have forced every middle class into the compulsive race for more and still more income. You well-meaning Communists have been instrumentalized by the same powers and in the same way as we Christians. But also all religions, ideologies and political directions etc. have fallen into their traps. How was that possible? Because they have always operated out of secrecy.
The fundamental considerations, both of Communism and of Christianity and all religions, have never been wrong in principle. But what they all never understood from the very beginning was that they were infiltrated, manipulated and underhandedly instrumentalized. In general, the world-improvement movements are therefore always setting their levers much too low. And this is exactly where the manipulation from the very top is evident. Whoever could not see through this diabolical game, let himself be instrumentalized, despite the best motives, even for the absolute opposite of his own intentions. Yes, they all have the same problem. And so up to now the true rulers and enemies of mankind not only remained unshorn - they also instrumentalized everyone and everything to further their program of world domination, their world domination goals.
Let me explain it once more by the example of the Communist struggle: the spreading cancerous ulcers of false Capitalism could never be defeated by the middle class or the bourgeoisie, impossible! This evil of robbery and plunder can only be defeated by applying the levers consistently enough to the top elite. Nobody has really done that till this day. Nevertheless, the root of all social evils, the Capitalism of compound interest, is at home only with this elite.
Unfortunately, you Communists have still not understood that the expropriation of the world population, which has just begun, does not offer you the long awaited compensation. The first expropriation process of the entire world population, which has just begun with the lockdown, will unfortunately not bring with it the long-awaited fair distribution to all betrayed proletarians - as you still expect. Too late, even you Communists will realize that the merciless expropriators are the very ones you have never really fought consistently. But now they will not spare you either - I promise you this - because they are also out for your total enslavement.
Instead of the promised just distribution of capital, the result is to be a slave state for all men - without private property, without any luxury; luxury, which has, by the way, always been worked for by the middle-class and the bourgeoisie, and which you have always been happy to use, despite your slander.
But not only you Communists are mistaken, we all are, every religion in its own way, every economic sector in its own way, every political party in its own way. None of us have realized that the real masterminds are far above those leaders who have shown themselves to us time and again.
And it is not only you Communists who have been undermined, starting with Marx, Lenin and Engels, but also we Christians - but also the Muslims, including the right, the middle and bourgeois parties. We Christians, for example, were undermined by the same world conjurors who tampered with our teachings, that Jesus would come down from heaven like a macho man with his wings - yes, that is what we believe today - to clean up everything down here on his own. And we Christians passively standing beside it as recessive spectators. But just as little as Marx wanted to complete his vision single-handedly, Jesus did not want to do it either. So if both the mission of original Communism and that of original Christianity have failed, it is because of the elite deliberately manipulating us into passivity. The same must unfortunately be said of Muslims and all religions, but also of all ideologies and the like. From Muslims to Esoterics, all of them are waiting for a strong savior from heaven. Do you see that, too?

But we all suffer from the same consequence of underhanded infiltration and that is called passivity! All aren’t in the game enough themselves: The Mahdī Savior of the Muslims wants to come just as much through the Muslims themselves, as Jesus through his Christians or the Maitreya through his Buddhists, etc. Also all other ascended masters have never thought of floating down from heaven in place of their Esoterics and the like - neither with nor without Ufos. See that. But we have all been tempted by the same world domination strategists into passivity, into distraction. You can see this in the fact that all potential do-gooders hope for redemption somehow from outside. One only does not stand enough in the task ourselves. But this way our world problems will never be solved. And why not? Because this passive attitude lacks the full power to enforce the new world, it has been broken.
So neither Communism nor Christianity nor Islam nor any other religion or party has ever been able to really enforce its good intentions. Why? Because the true aggressor has always been able to paralyze everyone with recessive, that is, passive expectation. That is our problem. The world enemy has entangled and distracted our gaze in all kinds of details and secondary issues. Why does he do this? For no other reason than to take over everything, all together and remain unrecognized.
Only one group under this heaven knows exactly how the true game is played, and that is the so-called "Masonic Satanists," who habitually slip into the garments of all religions and philosophies, into all political directions, etc., in order to skillfully sterilize them all from within – i.e. to make them ineffective. And this sinister procedure has unfortunately succeeded to date, we have to admit that. Their plans, unfortunately, and nobody else's, are currently being fulfilled and are just one step away from their final completion. That is the complete takeover of power, right now, by means of a deliberately staged corona crisis, through lockdown and the like; but then also, as planned, by total expropriation of our cash, total digital control - that is their program. So they can then expropriate all those people who do not willingly submit to their worldview, with one push of a button, they can expel them, impose total sanctions and much more. But neither the Communist, nor the Christian, nor the Muslim, Hindu or whatever ideology will define the standards for this push of the button. But what then?
It will only be the readiness to bow to Satanism, which is unfolding itself into perfection at the moment. It will decide YES or NO at the push of a button. It alone wants to set the criteria. That is the problem we have down here. The compulsory vaccination, everyone is speaking about right now, which is to be administered to seven billion so-called volunteers, is just the driving force that is supposed to drive us towards the device of the real control and leadership system. What is it? The digital forced surveillance, with which every citizen of the world can be switched on and off at the push of a button, as well as monitored locally. This will be the iron rod of the new world domination, if we do not expose it now and prevent it through systematic education. Whether this total surveillance of every single citizen comes about via an implanted chip, via a tattoo or whatever, remains secondary in itself – it is fact that this technology is exactly one step away from its forced introduction!
The Bible already warned of this hour 2,000 years ago. It ordered in all strictness, what is to be done now worldwide. It gives the world community only this one order, if it does not want to perish miserably in the slave state: This is total refusal of each compulsory vaccination! Total refusal of chipping! Total refusal of all cashlessness! Refusal of every characteristic of these force-rulers of the so-called "new world order”.
The fact that now millions are waking up and protesting all over the world is first of all surely good news, a fantastic new appearance I would call it, a real hope. But this hope, this very hope, can be shattered overnight if the awakening people do not understand now where the greatest dangers really lie. For the absolute specialty of the infiltrators, of these self-proclaimed world rulers, lies in dividing every arising counter-power, in creating confusion, in fomenting strife and hatred against each other, and unfortunately – and now listen carefully - also in becoming active too early and in the wrong way!
Let’s put the finger on it: The millions are mobilized, they are going on pilgrimage to Berlin and all over the world to all those places where such large-scale demonstrations are still taking place and are still permitted. But the worst mistake that can happen now is that the invisible aggressor succeeds in sending his spies, his wolves in sheep's fur, among the sheep, in order to incite them in their immature state to take extreme action and thereby plunge them into chaos. And chaos exactly is the planned main means of enforcing their own power. Remember this well.
If now the process of enlightenment, the process of light and awakening of the people is torn down by revolutionary rushes, it will all go down the drain. Woe therefore if it comes to riots, possibly the storming of the Reichstag and the like; or attacks on any responsible persons, on politicians, presidents or whoever. Then - I assure you - the whole thing will escalate into chaos and the armed forces of law and order will have to intervene with tanks and all kinds of weapons. Overnight they will make it clear to the still blinded broad population why absolute digital surveillance is urgently needed now, an immediate one. So they will come along with digitalization and overnight they will take over everything. That means absolute dictatorship.
But how is that possible? Only because more than 80 percent of the people still don't really know what's going on. In other words, the phase of becoming enlightened is not yet complete. So don't get fanatical about violent government overthrows and any stuff like that. Hold back all those who incite to such things; also distance yourself clearly from moles who have crept in and are on terrorist missions. If they break through your ranks and attack, film them with your own cameras. And if they riot, condemn that. Condemn their extremism before your running cameras. But also beware of hasty security measures, which are then constantly aimed only at saving your own life and distract you from the real goal. What is the real goal? Permanent education, nothing else is to be done at the moment. Any form of private self-rescue will therefore unfortunately not work! There is much to be said about that.

Only one thing can work if we persevere and that is this: All you millions out there, who woke up and recognized the real masterminds and dangers, do not stop to be the light, go out there and open people’s eyes - with or without the Internet. If the Internet is censored or blocked for us even more, then please push forward ten times stronger, consistently win 2-3 new people, educate them and give them the order to accountably win at least three new people again, who accountably win three new enlighteners again etc. Then keep an eye on your educated contacts and motivate them to make new contacts so that the multiplication of the light continues unstoppably. But also network physically, i.e. in the mutual exchange of addresses, and by that set up an information network that can be used to pass information on from hand to hand - this in case the Internet is completely blocked. So until the absolute majority of the world population can clearly see which creatures and attackers are at work here, those who are the masters at the very top, who also have a firm grip on science, space travel, education, on our top politicians and above all on our mainstream media, any early action is doomed to fail. I guarantee that.
Only when the entire global community lives in broad daylight to an extent that it can no longer be blinded by confusing falsehoods or media deception, further practical steps will make any sense at all. Only when, let's say, a clear majority of the world's population is thoroughly informed, will a new beginning be possible without civil wars, bloodshed or other wars. Why this? Because then the relation of this small elitist minority will also come to the light of the public. Then billions of inhabitants of the earth will no longer face heavily armed governors, but only a few thousand conspirators. And even if these were tens of thousands - a sufficiently enlightened people then only has to flip the switch and the matter is settled. But until all sincere military and security forces, including the rest of the judiciary, etc., until all the deceived parties, religions, ideologies, etc. have thoroughly understood what is actually going on, every immediate action, every radical attempt to change will lead to a certain defeat. That is my prognosis.

It would be comparable to a child trying to defeat an armed burglar, a dangerous one. It really first needs the necessary reinforcement to achieve such a thing. Do you understand that? So as long as more than 90 percent of humanity is still mainstream and TV believing, we have no chance to change the system! So the priority motto is still "Let there be light!” That is the point. Light and mutual love among you, appreciation, networking and the full certainty of our organic togetherness – this is what forms this indispensable foundation of the new world, which, by the way, is emerging from the old world right now, through these many birth pains. But it can only be permanently preserved and be fit for life if everyone lives in this new spirit.
Therefore, avoid any self-dynamic immediate action that passes by the whole body in an attempt to change and force through something in a hurry. Failures or untimely actions must, unfortunately, always be payed for by the movement as a whole, even if the movement would not have given any mandate for such ego-individualistic rushes. So concentrate solely on the spreading of light, on enlightenment, until the time really has come for further actions. But expand your resistance at any time in the direction of total refusal, for example, when it comes to abolishing cash. Pay with cash wherever you can. Any kind of compulsory vaccination, any kind of chipping or tattooing of any identification numbers, ciphers etc. has to be refused at all times by all! Refuse the introduction of 5G, 6G and all such technologies everywhere, because they will maneuver you into the total OFF position.
Especially contradict any further claim of power by the mainstream media. Expose their deceptions and lies wherever you can. They offer you enough opportunity to do so every day. But also use our broadcasts and spread the word as much as you can. Exposing the derailed mass media is a constant and top priority. It is through them that everything spreads to the world. The mainstream media have come under the control of highly criminal masterminds that must be ruthlessly exposed. However, as long as the mass media can still confuse the minds of over 90 percent of the people, pollute them and reprogram them, the great masses will continue to blindly and unsuspectingly fall to their deceptions. That is our problem. The great masses are still held hostage by them, allowing themselves to be abused by the mass media like defenseless slaves and do not know it.
I summarize. If all of you out there, who have become millions and understand exactly what is going on here, if all of you out there multiply the just named, so to speak, current themes of education, if each of you consistently wins and enlightens three more and these three again three- then there is the possibility to catapult the entire world population into the light of truth within the shortest time. You see, this will happen very quickly if we work faithfully now. The light of truth must overcome the dark deceptions until it has become daylight. And only when it has become sufficiently bright throughout all mankind, and the majority necessary to act can clearly see what is going on, will it be easy and smart to start a new, meaningful and promising process. But as long as not also the military, security forces, politicians, religious leaders, etc., who still are blinded by the mass media, cannot see through this insidious and mean game, what exactly is going on here, all attempts of enforcement except the ones just mentioned, will only lead to a huge chaos. And chaos is exactly what these shadow powers have always desired. When chaos is created, they can then enslave the whole world to themselves in the blink of an eye. That is their plan.

So when the work of enlightenment has done its work and this way the time has come, there will be a quick and easy way out of the crisis: all those dark elites will then be dealt with in the same way as they had previously dealt with the whole world community. They will be pushed, into their own pits, which they have dug for the unsuspecting nations before. Instead of taking away the last percent of assets from a whole world, which they have left in the outer court in the expropriation processes, those super-rich rich elites of Satanic freemasonry and all those who, through underhand speculation and entanglements, have stolen the wealth of the nations from under their noses, will be expropriated. Also the fraudulent pharmaceutical companies etc. will then have to spit out all the profits from their ill-kept strategies and end their diabolical game. As soon as all their unlawfully seized wealth and money is returned to the deceived world population, I would say that the most oppressive financial hardships will be gone. Then this relatively small elite of failed world rulers will be put in chains with the same self-evidence as they have always dealt with terrorists. They will receive a punishment appropriate to their species, because they themselves were mercilessly pushing to imprison, lock up and humiliate the whole world community into being their slaves. On this proposed way may the transition into the new world, the really new world, begin, and all the rest, I think, will then come about by itself. I am Ivo Sasek, who has been standing before God for 43 years.
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