Homeless Disabled Veterans in America Means Treason
4 years ago
There are over a half a million homeless people in the United States and about forty thousand of them are Disabled Veterans. Our politicians are receiving money for homelessness in their cities but they are using the money to do things against the homeless instead. This practice needs to stop and we need to get the homeless disabled veterans off of our streets and start treating them with the respect that they deserve. However, instead of helping our homeless, our states have huge refugee programs that give them a place to live, an income, free schools, free medicals, special business loans and all the things that you don't get free, but you have to pay for so that they get it free. I am not against the refugees, they are mostly good people who need a place to live, but we cannot allow the Property Tax Seizures to take our property by illegal means and at the same time have money for refugees and foreign aid. There is something seriously wrong here and it needs to stop. C. Jeff Dyrek, Disabled Veteran
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