Dr. Carol Rosin: Staged Artificial 'Alien Invasion' and asteroide/comet threat. NWO final
3 years ago
⁣Also watch "Last Card's the Alien Card & It's All a Lie" Werhner Von Braun: https://youtu.be/Si8ilcy8nYs
Playlist "Carol Rosin and Wernher Von Braun" https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLFh5OU9NlckrAwcbHFCS1WWg9jr3sH9LN

Dr. Carol Rosin a former NASA scientist turned Disclosure Project
witness shares very important information with us. Keep in mind this was
back in 2000 before 9/11 back when it was only Oklahoma city and the
'93 WTC bombing and they realized they were going to need something

in short: award winning economist, won nobels prize in 2008. Anyways,
he saids "within the next 18 months". So there you have it. Another
confirmation on our/your theories.

Understand, these people just don't care anymore. They have been
getting away with it for so long the cockiness and outrageous activity
almost becomes a sport. They know just about nobody reads anything they
publish (general public) and that if somebody does read it, it is
always brushed off as jokes and the good old conspiracy theorist
ridicule "excuse" almost. They publish their agendas and talk about
their plans to reduce world populations up to 90% and all the eugenics
and economic terrorism. its a joke. they got savant compartmentalized
experts working on every field and manipulate more or less everybody at
the top of the pyramid. social engineering.

"Paul Robin Krugman (play /ˈkruːɡmən/;[4] born February 28, 1953) is
an American economist, professor of Economics and International Affairs
at the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs at
Princeton University, Centenary Professor at the London School of
Economics, and an op-ed columnist for The New York Times.[5][6] In 2008,
Krugman won the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics for his contributions
to New Trade Theory and New Economic Geography. According to the Nobel
Prize Committee, the prize was given for Krugman's work explaining the
patterns of international trade and the geographic concentration of
wealth, by examining the impact of economies of scale and of consumer
preferences for diverse goods and services."

another one:... A NASA report posted on guardian.co.uk - https://www.theguardian.com/science/2011/aug/18/aliens-destroy-humanity-protect-civilisations

NASA has put out a lot of clues about the planet-x stuff, playing
along with the plan. Of course, they were set up by the same people who
seek to destroy humanity. Just a mask puppet there to spread yet more
propaganda and keep us believing 1930s rockets are state of the line
spacecraft.. up untill now that is.. .What was that ridiculous case from
a few days ago?

The elites (Rothschild, Rockefellers, Bushes, Clintons, Kissinger,
Bzrezinski, etc.) work for the Vatican(Jesuits, Knights of Malta, etc),
the Zionists (hijacked Judaism and Evangelical "Christianity"), the
Royal families and their puppets (Obama, Fed Reserve bankers, Presidents
and PMs, religious leaders, Osama Bin Laden, and all other boogeymen.
(false terrorists) and the Illuminati are all 1 entity that will use the
fake alien invasion to invoke Martial Law and try to crumble the
religions for a new religion based on New Age, Egyptian Mytery Schools,
Occultism, Gaia (Earth worship). It's all based on Masonic principles.

Werner Von Braun said the "alien card" would be the last boogeyman,
and NWO researchers Serge Monast, Rik Clay, Bill Cooper and others were
all murdered for letting this info out. Read Monast's report on Project
Bluebeam. This will happen, and the sheeple will buy it, many "awake"
people will too. This is all part of the ELENIN psy-op, and holographs
will be used to simulate flying saucers and possibly even a comet, etc.

the date of this hoax will in all likelihood be this fall. The predictions of Paris Tosen (http://www.stelan.ca/ ) states possibilities and signs of a rollout of this SEPTEMBER 9TH, 2011. 9/9/11.
Check out 3:13 onwards. there is a ship moving along under the space station. another little "rollout" hidden in plain view?
starting to sink in more and more, this is actually for real. They've
dusted off the old plan and initiated it. As you talked about in your
recent video. Interesting times, aye..
Stay vigilant...
This message is mirrored from https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGhsjDBktVpWUKnfV7YGzng and https://youtu.be/WruCxsh8mfw
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