Jesus is the snare that turns the world UPSIDE DOWN
4 years ago
⁣What is the Resurrection? A Standing UP again (G386) How do we stand UP again? By being CONVERTED (To turn quite around G4762). How do we do that? "Surely YOUR turning of things UPSIDE DOWN shall be esteemed as the Potter's clay" "Unless ye make the things of the left as those of the right...& those above as those below... YE SHALL HAVE NO KNOWLEDGE OF THE KINGDOM" Simplest thing ever and easiest explanation... All glory to the Lord God. For only through Him and in Him is this even possible.

Many will marvel at the simplicity to understanding the TRUTH. It really is that simple. You just need to think as a little child. Otherwise, YOU are just in the way... Follow theJonathanKleck YT to understand who we are, where we come from, & why we are here. It is 100% true. All of it. My life testifies to the truthfulness of his ministry.

Music BenSound
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