DG 45
3 years ago
⁣Woke Vs. Biblically Awake, One Human Race, Why Jesus is the Only Way to Heaven | DG 45
Today, Jarrod and Evan will be talking about the woke culture and how organizations like Black Lives Matter have used this word as the word for their ideology. They will be talking about the George Floyd Riots that took place on May 26, 2020 and how this mindset will not stop, but in fact continue and get worse.
They will also be answer the question "Is Jesus really the only way to Heaven?" as well talking about why there are different skin colors.

Hope you enjoy Today's Episode and maybe take something from it

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We broke God’s law when we sinned against him. Because of our sin against God, we earned death and Hell because of our sin. God is a judge, and a judge will punish us not for what we did right, but for what we did wrong. But God loved us enough that he provided a way that we could be restored. God became a man, Jesus Christ, and he suffered and died on the cross to take our sin off us and put it on himself. He was buried, and three days later he rose from the grave, and is sitting at the righthand of God. Jesus offers anyone forgives, but it only applies if you accept it. To receive eternal life, we must

1. Repent of our sins
2. Turn to Jesus Christ
3. Believe in him (Believe that he died, was buried, and raised from the dead)

The Bible says that as soon as we put out faith and trust in Jesus, God will forgive our sin and give us eternal life.

Romans 10:9
“If you declare with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.”

Romans 5:8
“But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”

John 3:16
“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”

Time is short, accept Jesus Christ now!

3 people, one mission: To spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ before he returns. The Discovering God Podcast features Evan, Jarrod, and Richard going from cover to cover on what the Bible says about Jesus Christ. Along with studying the Bible, they will also be discussing various topics about politics, abortion, homosexuality, and what the Bible says about these and many other things. Finally, they will also be answer view questions about the Bible, world events, or just about them (Minus weird or creepy questions of course) and will discuss them with a Biblical worldview and a Fundamentalist mindset

On Understanding the Bible, Jarrod Knepp speaks on how you can come to have an understanding of the Word of God, applying it to our daily life as weel as looking at major world events and how they fit in line with the plan of God.

If you are considering Subscribing to the channel, it would help our ministry of the Gospel. Follow us on Instagram "discovering.god" and like us on Facebook at "Discovering God"

And always, To God Be The Glory

Copyright Notice: Any videos, music or pictures are not mine. All rights belong to the proper owners, none of them belong to me.

#Podcast #biblepodcast #Jesus
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