9/11: Over the Ashes of the Fallen by Rene "Crazy Spirit" Ramirez. The case for who destro
3 years ago
⁣The case for Donald J. Trump as Suspect #1, 2 or 3 in the Controlled Demolition of World Trade Center Towers. Especially Tower #7, the 3rd tower which fell at appx 5:00 pm on September 11th, 2001.. A 2 part mix of the leads, and motive and the video evidence from the 4 year study conducted by Architects & Engineers at 9/11 Truth Organization and the Universerity of Alaska Fairbanks. Mixed by Rene "Crazy Spirit" Ramirez. Music by: Rage Against The Machine

The basis of my claim and suspicion is the video evidence, the human trafficking revelations, crimes and accusations surrounding Jeffrey Epstein, Prince Andrew, Donald J. Trump and Bill Clinton. The leads, links and videos can been read and viewed here including my brief technical background in construction, my service as amabassador for human trafficking awareness between the foundations Rock Against Trafficking and Centro Fox and their founders Grammy winning artist Gary Miller and former President of Mexico Vicente Q. Fox.

Rene's Invistigation Google Doc: ⁣https://tinyurl.com/WTC7911demo

Beginning in 2014 I cordinatted the effort, professional relationship and collaboration between their foundations and others involved in the cause. All with the mission to end modern day slavery and human trafficking, the 2nd largest criminal enterprise.

Through the effort and challenges human trafficking is now a well recognized issue and we successfuly raised awareness. Although it is an ongoing issue, educating the public and elected representatives was a major undertaking. Now PSA's are run, one of the main criminals arrested and no longer living. The work and fight continues.
In addition, as astonishing as it is to believe. While slaver statures were being toppled and riots broke out accross the world. UK Governmenment representatives and US Trump administration representatives did attempt the worlds largest modern day slave transaction of 3,000,000 Hong Kong Citizens, disguised in the U.S. as the Hong Kong Refugee Bill sponsored by Senator Tom Cotton, working in tandem with a UK equal. I documented it all, and so did the Chinese government on video and testimoney of British Patriots.

View my Hong Kong 3,000,000 Modern Slavery Attempt Raw Report here at: ⁣https://tinyurl.com/y2mbvndz

For inquiries contact Rene "Crazy Spirit" Ramirez by writing to: [email protected]
Over The Ashes of The Fallen (C) 2020 All Rights Reserved

⁣Architects & Engineers at 9/11 Truth Organization and the University of Alaska Fairbanks did not participate in this video production. Portions of their video was used under common use license from their Facebook Page @AE911Truth. Not for Profit Use.
Mixed by Rene "Crazy Spirit" Ramirez. Images are public domain unless requested in writing to be removed.
Music by: Know Your Enemy, Rage Against The Machine. SME, Epic Records
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