Dr. Annie Bukacek | Exposes the Alt Doctors Profiting from COVID Promoting Fear
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2 years ago
⁣Dr. Annie Bukacek from Montana recently gave an address at Liberty Fellowship, led by Chuck Baldwin.

Dr. Bukacek is a board-certified internal medicine physician. She’s been practicing medicine for over 30 years.

A video presentation she made at Liberty Fellowship back in April of 2020, where she exposed the fraud being committed on death certificates that were being manipulated to state the cause of death was due to "COVID," went viral at the time.

In Dr. Bukacek's most recent address at Liberty Fellowship, she discussed her perspectives on the "Alt doctors" who last month held a rally in Washington D.C. to oppose the COVID vaccine mandates, and then met the next day with Senator Ron Johnson in a 5-hour session that was video recorded.

These doctors and scientists who oppose the COVID vaccine mandates allegedly represent over 17,000 doctors, whom Bukacek refers to as the "Alt Doctors.”

In describing these doctors she said:"Many are world renowned, highly credentialed, and highly published. The attempts to silence their dissenting views has been fierce. Such doctors are a necessary ingredient for returning to sound medical ethics, sound medical practices, people's rights, and societal sanity.”

I am not sure I agree with Dr. Bukacek that these principles are things that can be "returned to," since from my perspective as a health journalist for over a decade, they were never present to begin with.

But this presentation from Dr. Bukacek, from an insider perspective, is an important message today, because she gives us practical advice on how to evaluate these Alt doctor "authority figures," by examining more what they do and what they do not state publicly, more than just what they do say in their opposition to COVID vaccine mandates.

She states:"Eternal vigilance remains the price of freedom. We know from history, the thousands of years of recurrent, organized attempts to enslave mankind, that basic plan does not change, though the form of it might.

I look through this lens when I listen to authority figures discussing COVID-19, because let's face it, the infectious disease model of tyranny was highly successful the last 2 years, in part, because of the cooperation of doctors.”

Full article with partial transcript: https://healthimpactnews.com/2022/montana-doctor-exposes-the-alt-doctors-profiting-from-covid-by-promoting-fear/https://healthimpactnews.com/

This Content is Mirrored. Please support the original creator. All credit, royalties and sincere thanks to the original source of this video. https://healthimpactnews.com/. https://www.bitchute.com/video/Oa4dLDP7VtEq/ - February 25, 2022

Dr. Annie Bukacek | Exposes the Alt Doctors Profiting from COVID Promoting Fear

Dr. Annie Bukacek, Exposes the Alt Doctors, Profiting from COVID, Promoting Fear, HealthImpactNews, February 25 2022
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