mark of the beast, marque de la bête, image de la bête, image of the beast, vaccination, health pass, pass sanitaire, buy and sell, buying and selling, acheter ou vendre, NWO, prophecy

"That no man may buy or sell save he has the MARK OF THE BEAST"

721 Views - Published on 31 Dec, 2021
⁣In Lithuania, you can no longer enter a supermarket without proof of vaccination [first clip]. In Peru, no access to unemployment or welfare without a vaccination card (full vaccination) [second clip]
Now, they're targetting farmers who can no longer buy grain because they cannot enter the marketplace without proof of vaccination in the U.S. [third clip]

So many have lost their jobs/ livelihoods due to vaccine mandates. In France, you cannot have a customer-facing job without a health pass and starting January 15th, a PCR test (every 48h) won't suffice. Vaccination only...

This is the MARK OF THE BEAST without which nobody can buy or sell and its IMAGE of the beast that is "given life" to "speak" and tell who has the mark or not (the "health" pass and QR code on it)

This is not (just) about depopulation, nor is it purely political/ social about the Great Reset and NWO but it's spiritual. They want worship to the Beast System and SOULS. Those who take it are damned. Revelation 14:9-11
Jesus Christ is Lord

Jesus Christ is Lord

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