How the Midnight Sun Works on Flat Earth
3 years ago
⁣The Midnight Sun is a phenomenon experienced by observers North of the
Arctic circle during Summer Solstice where the Sun can be seen circling
over and around 360 degrees without ever setting. Depending how far
North the observer is, the Sun can be seen for several days/weeks,
rising and falling as usual but never fully setting beyond the horizon.
This is because the Sun having reached the Tropic of Cancer is making
its tightest, narrowest circle over the Earth, so much so that observers
positioned centrally within the Arctic circle are never at any time
significantly far enough away from the Sun for it to set beyond their
horizon. Not until after Summer Solstice when the Sun makes its way
back towards the equator will the Sun set completely and Arctic days
begin getting shorter. Meanwhile in the Antarctic during Summer
Solstice, the Sun disappears completely for over 2 months leaving
everyone below the Antarctic circle in bitter cold darkness from mid-May
to mid-July. Again, this is because the Sun narrowing and tightening
its path towards the Tropic of Cancer means it has moved significantly
far enough away from the Antarctic perimeter so as not to be seen by
observers positioned so far South. Not until mid-July when the Sun
expands and widens its path back significantly far enough will Antarctic
observers again be able to see the Sun above the horizon and the
Antarctic days begin getting longer.

In order to fit the
heliocentric globe model, this Midnight Sun phenomenon must also occur
for observers South of the Antarctic circle during Winter Solstice.
Depending how far South the observer is, the Sun should be seen for
several days/weeks never fully setting just like it does in the North.
In reality, however, there is never 24 hour sunlight anywhere in
Antarctica at any time of year. During Winter Solstice when the Sun is
circling its widest path over and around the Tropic of Capricorn,
observers far enough South will experience extended daylight hours due
to proximity with the Sun, but will still observe it to rise and set
beyond the horizon completely every single day. In fact, this is why
the Arctic and Antarctic climates are so strikingly dissimilar, because
of the drastically different amount of sunlight received by each. Based
on the heliocentric globe model, both the Arctic and Antarctic receive
comparable amounts of sunlight every year, and so should have comparable
temperatures, seasonal changes, and ability to sustain plant/animal
life, but in reality differ greatly in these ways.

Antarctica is
by far the coldest place on Earth with an average annual temperature of
approximately -57 degrees Farenheit, and a record low of -135.8! The
average annual temperature at the North Pole, however, is a
comparatively warm 4 degrees. Throughout the year, temperatures in the
Antarctic vary less than half the amount at comparable Arctic latitudes.
The Northern Arctic region enjoys moderately warm summers and
manageable winters, whereas the Southern Antarctic region never even
warms enough to melt the perpetual snow and ice. The island of
Kerguelen at 49 degrees Southern latitude has only 18 species of native
plants that can survive its hostile climate. Compare this with the
island of Iceland at 65 degrees Northern latitude, 16 degrees further
North of the equator than Kerguelen is South, yet Iceland is home to 870
species of native plants. On the Isle of Georgia, just 54 degrees
Southern latitude, the same latitude as Canada or England in the North,
where dense forests of various tall trees abound, the infamous Captain
Cook wrote that he was unable to find a single shrub large enough to
make a toothpick! In the Arctic there are 4 clearly distinguished
seasons, warm summers, and an abundance of plant and animal life, none
of which can be said of the Antarctic. The Eskimo live as far North as
the 79th parallel, whereas in the South no native man is found higher
than the 56th.

Since this one fact would destroy the heliocentric
globe model, there is, and has been since the 1950s, an Antarctic
Treaty, signed by over 50 countries, banning all independent travel and
exploration of the Antarctic. Excluding over-priced chaperoned
penguin-tours and government-approved contractors, nobody is allowed to
step foot in Antarctica, especially not during Winter Solstice when
there should supposedly be constant 24-hour sunlight. Since this
particular lie is so important to the heliocentric facade, if you search
online, you will find a couple videos purporting to show 24-hour
sunlight in Antarctica, but just like the rest of the globe's pathetic
video evidence, they are all fake. The most popular video allegedly
showing an Antarctic 24-hour time-lapse, actually has mountains
accidentally layered over the video's text layer, proving it to be a
calculated fraud. Other videos simply show an Arctic midnight Sun
time-lapse but claim it to be from Antarctica. There are dozens of
clearly genuine videos you can see online of the Arctic midnight Sun,
and you can freely travel above the Arctic circle to experience it for
yourself. Conversely, however, there are only a couple clearly fake
videos online of the supposed Antarctic midnight Sun, and you cannot
ever freely travel there to experience it for yourself.

See my other videos in the "How Everything Works on FE" series:
How Gravity Works on Flat Earth:
How Sunsets Work on Flat Earth:
How Seasons Work on Flat Earth:
How the Southern Stars Work on Flat Earth:
How Eclipses Work on Flat Earth:
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