The FDA Hides Alternative Treatments | Veteran Saves Mother's Life With Chlorine Dioxide
2 years ago
⁣Retired Veteran David Oates, who served for nearly 25 years, cured his asthma, acid reflux, ringing ears, and COVID – 19 using small dosages of chlorine dioxide. Oates’ mother contracted the bioweapon, and her body began shutting down rapidly, dropping her oxygen levels to 73. Oates gave her small amounts of the chlorine dioxide – within days, she sprung back to health. David Oates joins the Stew Peters Show to share amazing testimonials of Chlorine Dioxide. Stew Peters Show. February 21 2022

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Andreas Kalcker | Chlorine Dioxide - Kristall 05 Jul 2021 with Jordan Sather

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The FDA Hides Alternative Treatments, Veteran Saves Mother's Life With Chlorine Dioxide

The FDA Hides Alternative Treatments, Veteran Saves Mother's Life With Chlorine Dioxide, Stew Peters Show. February 21 2022
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