Phase 2 – a DNA-Lockdown? Save yourself if you can! |
3 years ago
⁣If the just forced lockdown of our world economy is only in phase 1 of a well-rounded world domination plan, then a worldwide DNA lockdown is to be expected in phase 2. This broadcast will explain what a DNA lockdown means. Save yourself if you can! - ⁣

If the just enforced lockdown of our world economy is phase 1 of a well-rounded world domination plan, then a worldwide DNA lockdown is to be expected in phase 2. This broadcast will explain what a DNA lockdown means. Save yourself if you can!

Everyone knows that we humans can only use about 10% of our brain power. Yet no one knows what exactly has been blocking access to the remaining 90 % for thousands of years - and above all who blocks it. What would life with full brain power be like, however, is demonstrated by vestiges in so-called island-gifted people, i.e. savants: Kim Peek read 12,000 books only once - and knows them all by heart.

(1) Another savant can easily calculate in his mind up to the 35th number behind the decimal point. Stephen Wiltshire can draw Rome in detail from his mind, after having flown over Rome for only 45 minutes. Orlando Serrell and others keep entire calendars including daily details in their minds for decades, are able to memorize entire phone books or, like Christopher Taylor, can easily speak 20 languages - or even understand animal communication. (2) Even humans with X-ray vision are on the move down here. (3)
However the big question remains: who the hell
is blocking all these powerful abilities in us? Where did our 90% brain power go? 3,000 years ago, one of the wisest initiates of all times revealed a basic secret that could help us. He said: "What has been is what will be again; and what has happened will happen again and there is nothing new rising under the sun.”
(4) Let us apply this principle right now: We realize that, at some point in time, through someone, something very degrading has happened to us highly gifted humans. Since all abilities are related to an intact DNA, one can assume that at some point in time an interference in our DNA, which is hidden from us today, must have taken place. Recent archaeological discoveries prove that thousands of years ago there were highly developed cultures, such as the Egyptians, whose technology was far more superior than ours. Even today, we cannot come close to building such works of art as the pyramids, and anyone who claims otherwise is not saying the whole truth. We will leave the ‘why’ and ‘what” for now.
Instead, we ask the deductive question about the above revealed principle "What will be, was": Is there again a looming kind of DNA tragedy anywhere? Is there anything coming that wants to tamper with, influence or change human DNA? And the unequivocal answer is: Yes! Bill Gates and the WHO are spreading their latest vaccine development: Their new vaccines are designed to directly intervene in our DNA.
(5) [ ] And this nebulous experiment which has been a completely unexamined experiment because of a so-called emergency shall be imposed on the whole world.
A direct intervention in the DNA of all humans - through compulsory vaccination - must urgently be forbidden! Only God and the devil know whether this coercive decree will furthermore lead to a DNA lockdown in all of us. One thing is certain: "What has been is what will be again..." That means that humanity was once before highly developed and has lost its highest talent in exactly this way: A forced intervention in their DNA would have led to the loss of intelligence and ability of the great mass by about 90 %. Who could be interested in such a reduction of our mostly divine talent? The principle "What will be, has been there before" applies. It is obvious from history that the ruling elites have always been interested in as many cheap slaves as possible. These should not be too intelligent so they won’t take their fate into their own hands, but also not too stupid, so they will take care of themselves and adapt.
At all times, some of the elites openly referred to all people outside their circle as "animals or stupid cattle".
Today such elites acquire machines that use artificial intelligence to control and monitor profane people.
In China, robots are already rolling through business premises and streets, for example, monitoring the corona protection measures and intervening automatically if people do not keep the ordered distance, do not wear masks, get together in large groups - and much more. Bill and Melinda Gates, together with their WHO, spread the message that there will be no normality until the whole world population is vaccinated with their DNA-modifying vaccine.

(6) What does that tell us? Or, in other words: What could this lead to? It means that in the near future a big part of humanity could have its intelligence reduced to even less than 10%, so that artificial intelligence, i.e. robots, can take the lead. Such horror scenario could degenerate into the greatest slave trade of all time. There is proof that today’s slave trade is greater than any other time in history.
In addition to hundreds of millions 1-dollar workers, trafficking with women, sex slaves and the like, one also has to remember about the countless children in developing countries who have to dig for gold, silver, cobalt in the deep underground earth holes.
Once again, what sounds like science fiction is unfortunately bitter reality: A new world government with its new world order is about to proclaim itself - a world government that has already unashamedly announced a compulsory DNA-modifying vaccination.
So save yourself if you can! The only way we can still be saved is by widely spreading broadcast programs like this one and informing our fellow men about what the new world domination of the Big Pharma, i.e. the domineers of the WHO, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, etc. are up to for the whole of humanity. In order to do this, make use of all suitable materials from all independent enlighteners on the internet.


(1) FOCUS Online:

(2) Dokumentarfilm: „Expedition ins Gehirn“: 00:35 ff – 01:53 Orlando Serrell – 02:40 Kim Peek – 04:20 Stephen Wiltshire – 05:45 Matt Savage – 07:05 Alonso Clemons – 07:50 Christopher Taylor
(3) Natasha Demkina – das Mädchen mit dem Röntgenblick, (Original: The Girl With X Ray Vision)

(4) Altes Testament: Buch Prediger 1,9
(5) „Coronavirus-Impfstoff: Milliardenschwerer Pharma-Profit trotz Gesundheitsrisiken?“ – Interview mit Del Bigtree,
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