This peaceful man was talking to myself and another person on the street on our way to a protest and
3 years ago
⁣This peaceful man was talking to myself and another person on the street on our way to a protest and got arrested for talking to others ...Very sadThis is what the government wants for us ..No freedomNo connectionNo rightsHidden behind masks in fearThe NWO agenda but its not gonna happen..Masked as a Vlrus..Tyranny.. what is this doing to mental health and communities ??Bullying and harassment. Police working as a private corporate company, not for the people as they swore byDon't be in fear, this is all playing out to wake us up.We are already free, its just for the collective to realise this and reclaim it!!Time to stop asking for permission.. Time to reconnect with our heart and humanity.Rise up, connect, love and be free
Choose love not fear x
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