Dr. Lee Merritt, Targeted DNA Harvesting & Damage, De-Population, Globalists IMMUNE, Repairing DNA, mariazeee, zeeemedia, June 20 2022

Dr. Lee Merritt | Targeted DNA Harvesting & Damage, De-Population, Globalists IMMUNE, Repairing

648 Views - Published on 24 Jun, 2022
⁣Dr. Lee Merritt | Targeted DNA Harvesting & Damage, De-Population, Globalists IMMUNE, Repairing DNA.

Dr. Lee Merritt joins us to discuss the DNA harvesting throughout history that has led to the targeted damage of human DNA, the "elite" bloodline that is immune to the bioweapon attack, whether viruses actually exist, the possibility of repairing human DNA and more.

Dr. Lee Merritt's website: http://themedicalrebel.com/

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This Content Is Mirrored. Please support the original creator. All credit, royalties and sincere thanks to the original source of this video. http://themedicalrebel.com/

Dr. Lee Merritt | Targeted DNA Harvesting & Damage, De-Population, Globalists IMMUNE, Repairing DNA.

Dr. Lee Merritt, Targeted DNA Harvesting & Damage, De-Population, Globalists IMMUNE, Repairing DNA, mariazeee, zeeemedia, June 20 2022

⁣Uncanny similarity of unique inserts in the 2019-nCoV spike protein to HIV-1 gp120 and Gag - Prashant Pradhan et al. https://medicalveritas.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/Pradham-et-al-Coronavirus-HIV-paper.pdf - Prashant Pradhan -
Original: https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.01.30.927871v2 .

https://www.biblaridion.info/blog/bar-kochba/cytokine-storm/. - https://archive.is/F0ELD -

Ashkenazi Jewish populations do not appear to carry such variants in the ACE2 coding region. Specifically, 39% (24/61) and 54% (33/61) of deleterious variants in ACE2 occur in African/African-American (AFR) and Non-Finnish European (EUR) populations, Amish (AMI) and Ashkenazi Jewish (ASJ) populations do not appear to carry such variants in ACE2 ...

Specifically, 39% (24/61) and 54% (33/61) of deleterious variants in ACE2 occur in African/African-American (AFR) and Non-Finnish European (EUR) populations,Amish (AMI) and Ashkenazi Jewish (ASJ) populations do not appear to carry such variants in ACE2 coding region....

New insights into genetic susceptibility of COVID-19: an ACE2 and TMPRSS2 polymorphism analysis
https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.08.18.21261804v1.full.pdf - K26R Bloodline

DES daughters have about 40 times the risk of developing clear cell adenocarcinoma of the lower genital tract as unexposed women (women who were not exposed to DES prenatally ). However, this type of cancer is still rare; approximately 1 in 1,000 DES daughters developed it.

Greska’s Carbon-60 - https://www.c-60.com/greskas-carbon-60/

Dr. Kevin B. Craft DC -
https://www.sharecare.com/doctor/kevin-craft-w4vqyq7280 -
Carolina Spine and Pain Center . 170 Medical Park Rd Ste 210, Mooresville, NC 28117. (704) 905-0938


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