Dr. Ron Paul | ⁣'New Normal'? Davos Billionaire Crowd Pushes Orwellian Smart Mask, Vaccine
3 years ago
⁣'New Normal'? Davos Billionaire Crowd Pushes Orwellian 'Smart Mask'
https://www.bitchute.com/video/iajy8rm3FCo/ - April 8, 2021

Just as many US states are seeing Covid numbers plummet, Klaus "trans-humanist" Schwab's World Economic Forum is pushing a new "smart mask" that not only tells you when to take a breath of fresh air: it also warns you to put it on if you've forgotten it. All tracked through your mobile phone. It is one more step toward China's Orwellian "social credit" system. And the billionaire elites want to shove it down our throats.

⁣Dr. Ron Paul, ⁣⁣Smart Mask, New Normal, ⁣Davos Billionaire Crowd, WEF
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