
Is It Safe? - STOP the "Warped Speed" plan-demic vaccines and listen to real doctors!

606 Views - Published on 23 Nov, 2020
⁣In the mad rush to vaccinate the world for a lie-rus that has a 99.98% survival rate for people under age 50, I am reminded of the scene from Marathan Man where the Nazi goon doctor is drilling holes in Dustin Hoffman's teeth asking .... "Is it safe?" ---> ⁣⁣⁣

Vaccines so wonderful and effective you have to threathen to deny people the freedom to participate in society unless they comply and prove they have been jabbed!

⁣Doctors say CDC should warn people the side effects from Covid vaccine shots won’t be ‘a walk in the park’ ... most probably won't want to come back for their 2nd shot! ---> ⁣

Here comes the jab ---> ⁣

The experts don't know if it's safe ---> ⁣

⁣UK's Boris Johnson Says Won't Make COVID Vaccination Compulsory ---> ⁣

⁣Rigor Mortis Tortoise comment:
The UK .gov 'health' services are already preparing triages for the expected adverse reactions to the initial vac-scene wave... They are expecting at least 75,000 extremely serious adverse reactions... And they've announced that in the MSM... talk about instilling confidence..

JoePesci comment
What the hell is wrong with people?! You need to just accept that we need forced vaccinations. or the disease will continue to spread and kill people. A compulsory lead injection for every democrat to immunize against leftism.

Check this out--->

Dr Carrie Madej has set up a website exposing this whole Plan-demic ... focusing on the "Fake Science" concerning the "lie-rus" and the dangers of vaccines, especially this mRNA one. The whole world is being deceived by a Luciferian agenda to advance the NWO Antichrist Kingdom and all government leaders (including Trump and Biden) are guilty of willingly participating in crimes against humanity! Jesus Only Y'all - JOY! - Maranatha! - Rogersings

The ABCs of Salvation -->
A - Admit your a sinner (Romans 3:23)
B - Believe Jesus is Lord (John 3:16)
C - Call upon His name (Romans 10:13)
Rogersings NWO News!

Rogersings NWO News!

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