Elites Throw Sex Slaves To The Gators
3 years ago
⁣Just when you thought the Jeffrey Epstein/ Ghislaine Maxwell saga couldn’t reek of more elitist wickedness. Testimony from a Turkish National known anonymously as Jane Doe reads like a chapter from a Hunter S Thompson novel.

The Allegations occurred during the heyday of the Bush Crime Family Era as the Telegraph writes “A new alleged victim of Jeffrey Epstein has come forward with claims she was repeatedly raped by the financier and Ghislaine Maxwell in front of her son and threatened with being "thrown to the alligators” if she spoke out....”

Jane Doe's nightmarish tribulation details how any innocent person can be captured and enslaved by the hidden elite establishment. A power mad few, immune to our laws due to their influence and the currency of corruption using human beings for their own amusement.


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