FREE RANGE: Host Gail of Gaia Interviews Activist/Environmentalist Sherrie Saunders
3 years ago
Sherrie describes the story of toxic waste dumping by a protein manufacturing plant (American Protein Inc.) in Alabama into the rivers and the aerosolizing of toxic sludge over fields. Respiratory problems are common among the populations in the vicinity. It is a great way to spread disease. She also adds the problem of a new bait for rabies being distributed by the USDA and Game and Wildlife Agencies. These baits are filled with a pink liquid which will cause a pox if handled by humans and killed 13 of 15 racoons it was tested on. It is made by a company in Canada which appears to be a Chinese front company. Her concern is its release at the same time as the flu shot push and the fact the antigen is grown on human tissue and human vaccines are grown on animal tissue. What is the connection? If the game is ingested by humans will the meat harm them. Sherrie is asking for your help in investigating this company(Artimas) and the bait. It has been reported 70 percent of rabis cases are from bats! Is there a connection?
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