Yellowstone Secret Eruption Program 470 x 854
3 years ago
⁣This video shows evidence for a secret program to make the Yellowstone super volcano erupt as soon as possible. I would love to be wrong about this, and if anyone can explain the vibroseis patterns on the seismograms, I'll delete this video. (Sorry for my mess-up, when I forgot the names Mirror Lake Plateau, Maple Creek, and Mary Lake!)

This secret eruption program is related to the geo-engineering programs, since they both have the same, "false" goal. The goal of geo-engineering is to slow down global warming, but this is a lie, since geo-engineering is causing rapid global warming. The goal of triggering a Yellowstone eruption, is to freeze the earth, before the Arctic melts and releases 5,000 Billion tons of methane. Both of these programs have been "sold" to the workers, to convince them, they are saving the planet, when in fact, they are killing it.

If correct, this is the biggest act of terrorism ever attempted.

Here is the link to the Yellowstone seismograms page:

There are three things that could create the sine waves:

1) Steam intrusion into the rock strata, which is not the cause, due to the sinusoidal nature.

2) A calibration signal, which can't be the cause, since the nearby seismographs pick up the same pattern, but attenuated.

3) Actual movement of the ground, in a sinusoidal pattern. This is the only possibility, so the question then becomes, what can make seismic waves like that? The only answer is manmade vibroseis machinery.

Additional Info: US Forest Service wants $1000 fine for taking pictures inside national parks:

There is a narrow strip, that has been edited on the Google maps, to hide something, from "Mirror Lake" to Highway 212.
The Coordinates are: 44.754596, -110.190003. You need to zoom in to the 1000 ft. setting, to see the stripe. If that doesn't work, here are the directions to find the location:

To find the "Mirror Lake Plateau" area on Google maps, or Google earth:

1) Go to Yellowstone National Park.

2) Find Mt Washburn, about 17 miles north of Yellowstone lake.

3) Find highway 212, northeast of Mt Washburn.

4) "Mirror Plateau" is 10 miles due east of Mt Washburn, and 5 miles south of highway 212.

5) "Mirror Lake" is 5 miles southeast of "Mirror Plateau".

6) There is an edited stripe of Google's satellite map, that stretches north from "Mirror Lake" to highway 212, if you zoom in. This stripe is an image from a different season, as the snow is missing from that section. I don't see any other mismatched areas on the satellite images near Yellowstone.

Additional Info: 2013 research shows that super volcanoes can erupt, without warning, just by having the magma move upward, towards the surface. This shows how extremely dangerous this vibroseis activity is:
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