What is The Great Reset? Beginner’s Guide to Understanding a Twisted Agenda
3 years ago
⁣The Great Reset went from a fringe discussion to mainstream news in just a matter of weeks.

The plan, which has been around for years, was previously dismissed by the masses as a conspiracy theory. Too wild and crazy to possibly be true. This reset was more nothing more than a bad sci-fi movie plot. It couldn’t possibly happen in real life.
Suddenly though, it’s not so easy to brush off the topic. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Canadian politicians are openly talking about the reset, as is the Royal family and plenty of other influential people around the world.

It’s all out in public view.

Read More Here:⁣https://freenorth.news/2020/12/17/what-is-the-great-reset-beginners-guide-to-understanding-a-twisted-agenda/?fbclid=IwAR3SCg-k9WSHBtc6Jy6yMXgPgRRp5ghkPbMunTKT_XpJH8SQrc4zloAWkoc
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