You Might as Well FACE it You're Addicted to FEAR! - Video Clips and Memes
2 years ago
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Rogersings NWO News! - 2 years ago
Main video is mirrored from ---> . There is NO such thing as a Contagion VIRUS ... There is NO such thing as a Vaccine for a Virus ... There is PAIN and Paranoia for those who are DECEIVED and RECEIVE Big Pharma Sorcery JABS ... There is PROFIT and Punishment for those Peddle and DOLE out the Devil's POISON. . Reverent fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. . There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love. - 1 John 4:18 . “Behold, I am sending you out as sheep in the midst of wolves, so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves. - Matthew 10:16 . And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. But rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell. - Matthew 10:28 . We are born with a Self Indulgent Nature (SIN) worshipping me, myself and I ... a condition which is spiritually separated from God's Holy Spirit indewelling and we have a sentence of physical and Spiritual Death upon us ... Therefore we fear of Physicall Death and we rebel against our creator and try to justify our right to live "my way" by our own reasoning and doing what "seems" good ... rejecting God's plan of Redemption from SIN through belief in His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ. . Having a health fear of Death so you live accountable to God in Christ is a good thing but having a lack of honest critical thinking and trust in God so you are deceived by the wiles of the Devil is a bad thing. . Addicted to FEAR . Your eyes are on the TV You think it is reality Your heart skips, your body shakes Another lie is all it takes . Bill Gates, the CDC Another rule for you to heed Your masked up, you can't breathe Another lie ... is what you need . You like to think that you're immune to the stuff ...oh yeah It's closer to the truth to say "you like it here" You know you might as well admit it you're addicted to fear . You see the signs, but you don't read The Governments' who you believe You just obey all the time Another jab and you'll be fine, and all mine . You don't want to be saved Delusion is ... what you crave The New World Order laid out for you And you don't mind if you do, Ohh oohh . You Might as Well face it you're addicted to fear You Might as Well face it you're addicted to fear You Might as Well face it you're addicted to fear You Might as Well face it you're addicted to fear You Might as Well face it you're addicted to fear . Your lights are on, but you're not home Your will is gone, it's not your own Your heart is cold your teeth they grind It's too late now, you're left behind . . .“2020: A PROPAGANDA MASTERPIECE” From Mark Crispin Miller, Professor of Media Studies at New York University Perspectives on the Pandemic, Episode 17, Part One, 10 Jun 2021 Interviewed by John Kirby Editing by Francis Karogodins Research by Evan Dominguez, Billy Clayton Miller . Mark Cripsin Miller: “It seems to me that the year 2020 and then the first half of 2021 have comprised a global propaganda spectacle of unprecedented scale and sophistication. I for one believe that we were subjected to a series of carefully planned psychological operations over the course of 2020 and just beyond. I think it started with the roll-out of the virus. This particular instance of fear-mongering is the most persuasive, the most compelling, the most devastating kind of fear-mongering that’s ever really been used in the history of propaganda and that’s really saying something. We’ve seen the fear propaganda move from the Hun to Communism to Terrorism but now it makes the crucial move to the thing itself. The thing with which previous enemies have been compared. The evocation of The Virus Is All Around Us was enough to turn the wits of millions of highly educated people. It’s a very easy matter to get people to do what you want. Just convince them they’re under attack and that anyone who argues with that claim is putting them at risk.” . “Propaganda is the executive arm of the invisible government,” wrote Edward Bernays, the father of modern propaganda. In part one of Episode 17, Mark Crispin Miller, professor of Media Studies at New York University, discusses the propaganda onslaught that defined the year 2020, when what was dismissed one week is confirmed the next, and why questioning official narratives “necessarily means taking ‘conspiracy theory’ seriously.”